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【Paintings in Proust】 Philosopher in Meditation, Rembrandt
2014/01/23 23:07:36瀏覽269|回應0|推薦6

Paintings in Proust Philosopher in Meditation, Rembrandt (Harmensz.) van Rijn, 1632 (p.117)

電梯的問世是在蒸汽機發明之後,並且在 19 世紀中葉以後開始廣泛使用,雖然很多人把《追憶似水年華》這本小說定位成貴族豪門、政商名流等上層社會生活的浮世繪,但事實上,裁縫師、司機、女僕、飯店領班、服務生、電梯小弟 (lift-boy)…都是普魯斯特平日觀察並且特別關注的焦點人物,在小說中可說是帶有畫龍點睛的效果。

But as a rule, for my zeal and timidity of the first evening were now things of the past, I no longer spoke to the lift-boy It was he now who stood there and received no answer during the short journey on which he threaded his way through the hotel, which, hollowed out inside like a toy, deployed around us, floor by floor, the ramifications of its corridors in the depths of which the light grew velvety, lost its tone, blurred the communicating doors or the steps of the service stairs which it transformed into that amber haze, unsubstantial and mysterious as a twilight, in which Rembrandt picks out here and there a window-sill or a well-head. (Within a Budding Grove)

(p.401 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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