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【Paintings in Proust】Harmonies in Blue and Silver. Whistler
2014/02/08 21:50:52瀏覽296|回應0|推薦9

Paintings in ProustHarmonies in Blue and Silver. Trouville, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 1865 (p.147)

卡堡 (Cabourg) 位於法國西北邊的海岸,緊臨英吉利海峽,人口不到 5000 人,但一到夏天則暴增至數萬人。
就像是伊利耶 (Illiers),據說是小說中地名貢布雷 (Combray) 的靈感來源,後來為了紀念普魯斯特而改名為伊利耶-貢布雷 (Illiers-Combray),而小說中的巴爾貝克 (Balbec也因為取材自卡堡,因而讓這個小鎮聞名於世。

年,Whistler 加入了在 Trouville Gustave Courbet 的陣營,而這幅畫正是這個時期的最具代表性的作品之一。

But just as Elstir, when the bay of Balbec, losing its mystery, had become for me simply a portion, interchangeable with any other, of the total quantity of salt water distributed over the earth’s surface, had suddenly restored to it a personality of its own by telling me that it was the gull of opal painted by Whistler in his Harmonies in Blue and Silver, so the name Guermantes had seen the last of the dwellings that had issued from its syllables perish tinder Francoise’s blows, when one day an old friend of my father said to us, speaking of the Duchesse; ‘She has the highest position in the Faubourg Saint-Germain; hers is the leading house in the Faubourg Saint-Germain.’ (Guermantes Way)

追憶似水年華 III蓋爾芒特家那邊 聯經版 1992) 

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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