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【Paintings in Proust】 Standing Cavalier Wearing a Cape, Antoine Watteau
2014/02/10 21:36:41瀏覽364|回應0|推薦10

Paintings in Proust Standing Cavalier Wearing a Cape (L’Indifferent), Antoine Watteau, 1716 (p.151)

Antoine Watteau
是普魯斯特相當喜愛的畫家之一,他曾經寫過一篇有關 Watteau 的評論文章。
而當普魯斯特曾經被問到羅浮宮裡頭他最喜愛的畫作時,Watteau 這幅畫以及另一幅 Embarkation for cythera,可說是在他心目中難分軒輊,面對這兩幅看似風格迴異的作品,您的選擇是什麼呢?

I was delighted to observe, in the thick of a crowd of journalists or men of fashion, admirers of the actresses, who were greeting one another, talking, smoking, as though at a party in town, a young man in a black velvet cap and hortensia-coloured skirt, his cheeks chalked in red like a page from a Watteau album, who with smiling lips and eves raised to the ceiling, describing graceful patterns with the palms of his hands and springing lightly into (he air, seemed so entirely of another species from the sensible people in everyday clothes in the midst of whom he was pursuing like a madman the course of his ecstatic dream, so alien to the preoccupations of their life, so anterior to the habits of their civilisation, so enfranchised from the laws of nature, that it was ;is restful and refreshing a spectacle as watching a butterfly straying through a crowd to follow with ones eyes, between the flats, the natural arabesques traced by his winged, capricious, painted curvetings. (Guermantes Way)

(p.187~188 追憶似水年華 III蓋爾芒特家那邊 聯經版 1992) 

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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