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2016/12/18 06:45:03瀏覽499|回應1|推薦9 | |
【書摘】蓋爾芒特家那邊—拉貝瑪 (About Je n’aurais plus souhaité comme autrefois de pouvoir immobiliser les attitudes de (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47) 我不再像從前那樣,希望拉貝瑪的姿勢能靜止不動,希望她在倏忽即逝的照明中產生的優美而短暫的、不再復現的色彩效果能永不消逝,我也不再希望她把一句詩重複一百遍。我終於懂得我從前的期望太高,要求太嚴,超過了詩人、女演員和她的導演兼布景師的意願;那種在一句詩上飛快傳播的魅力,那些變化莫測的姿勢和一個接一個的場景,是戲劇藝術力求達到的瞬間的效果,短暫的目的,變幻無定的傑作,而一個對作品過於入迷的觀眾總想使這種瞬間的效果靜止不動,這樣也就破壞了這一效果。我甚至不想再來看拉貝瑪演出了,我對她已經心滿意足。 (p.51 追憶似水年華 III蓋爾芒特家那邊 聯經版 1992) I had no longer any desire, as on the former occasion, to be able to arrest and perpetuate Berma’s attitudes, the fine colour effect which she gave for a moment only in a beam of limelight which at once faded never to reappear, nor to make her repeat a single line a hundred times over. I realised that my original desire had been more exacting than the intentions of the poet, the actress, the great decorative artist who supervised her productions, and that that charm which floated over a line as it was spoken, those unstable poses perpetually transformed into others, those successive pictures were the transient result, the momentary object, the changing masterpiece which the art of the theatre undertook to create and which would perish were an attempt made to fix it for all time by a too much enraptured listener. I did not even make a resolution to come back another day and hear Berma again. I was satisfied with her… (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff) I would not have wanted, as I once did, to be able to retain a fixed image of the poses adopted by (Translated by Mark Treharne) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |