NEWS:睽違18年搖滾詩人史汀首次登蛋開唱 自由電子報【2012/9/11 14:05】 〔本報訊〕睽違18年,搖滾詩人史汀(Sting)將於12月1日再次登台演出,做為《STING 史汀Back to Bass Tour》反璞歸真世界巡迴演唱會中,亞洲的第一站,也是史汀首次在台北小巨蛋演唱,這次演唱會,將讓台灣樂迷完整體驗跨越類型音樂的多元搖滾神采,以及詩意盎然的歌曲風采,門票將於16日開賣,勢必再度造成搶購熱潮。 有象文化正式公布,2012下半年度台灣最重要的國際音樂巨星演出,《STING 史汀Back to Bass Tour》將於12月1日登場,1994年曾來台演唱的史汀,當時因為樂迷踴躍支持,連唱2場,造成樂壇轟動,這次史汀將台北小巨蛋做為亞洲巡迴第一站,要回歸最樸真的音樂本質,反璞歸真,給歌迷全新感受。 史汀有搖滾詩人美稱,他的音樂橫跨搖滾、爵士、古典、流行等領域,共獲得16座葛萊美獎及全英音樂獎特別成就貢獻獎,甚至入列「搖滾名人殿堂」及「歌曲創作名人殿堂」,以全球1億銷售天量,榮登巨星傳奇。 史汀《STING 史汀Back to Bass Tour》門票將於16日開賣,門票800到8880不等,勢必再度造成搶購熱潮。 09.10.12 Sting: Back To Bass Fall Tour 2012 - Concert In Taiwan Confirmed...
On December 1, Sting will perform at the Arena in Taipei, Taiwan as part of his celebrated Back to Bass tour! Performing his greatest hits, stripped down, he'll be joined by a 5-piece band including longtime guitarist Dominic Miller, Vinnie Colaiuta (drums), David Sancious (keyboards), Peter Tickell (electric fiddle) and Jo Lawry (vocals). Tickets will go on sale beginning Sunday, September 16 at 12NOON (local time). STING Back to Bass世界巡迴台北演唱會 2012年9月16日(日)中午12點起,全台玫瑰大眾15家門市及玫瑰大眾售票網開始售票! 票價:800元/ 1800元/ 2400元/ 3000元/ 4000元/ 4800元/6800元/ 8800元 (全對號入座)
Ps. 藉此分享兩首歌: "Every Breath You Take" 毫無疑問是 Sting 的代表作,從這首歌顯赫的功績可以知道當年Police 縱橫搖滾流行樂的盛況: "Every Breath You Take" is a song by The Police on the band's 1983 album Synchronicity, written by Sting and Andy Summers (but officially credited to Sting only). The single was one of the biggest hits of 1983, topping the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart for eight weeks and the UK Singles Chart for four weeks. It also topped the Billboard Top Tracks chart for nine weeks. Sting won "Song of the Year" and The Police won "Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal" at the Grammy Awards of 1984 for "Every Breath You Take". The song ranked No. 84 on the Rolling Stone list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and No. 25 on Billboard's Hot 100 All-Time Top Songs. This song is considered to be The Police's signature song, and in 2010 was estimated to generate between a quarter and a third of Sting's music publishing income (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
"Money for Nothing" 由夢幻組合 Mark Knopfler、Eric Clapton、Sting 以及 Phil Collins 在 15 September 1997 所舉辦的Live Charity Montserrat 合作演出,經典恐難再現。