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【書摘】在少女們身旁—遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 9
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【書摘】在少女們身旁遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 9
J’étais déçu de ne pas avoir connu ces jeunes filles. Mais enfin maintenant il y aurait une possibilité de les retrouver dans la vie ; elles avaient cessé de ne faire que passer à un horizon où j’avais pu croire que je ne les verrais plus jamais apparaître. Autour d’elles ne flottait plus comme ce grand remous qui nous séparait et qui n’était que la traduction du désir en perpétuelle activité, mobile, urgent, alimenté d’inquiétudes, qu’éveillaient en moi leur inaccessibilité, leur fuite peut-être pour toujours. Mon désir d’elles, je pouvais maintenant le mettre au repos, le garder en réserve, à côté de tant d’autres dont, une fois que je la savais possible, j’ajournais la réalisation.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

I was disappointed at not having met the girls. But after all there was now the possibility of meeting them again later on; they had ceased to do no more than pass beyond a horizon on which I had been ready to suppose that I should never see them reappear. Around them no longer swirled that sort of great eddy which had separated me from them, which had been merely the expression of the perpetually active desire, mobile, compelling, fed ever on fresh anxieties, which was aroused in me by their inaccessibility, their flight from me, possibly forever. My desire for them, I could now set it at rest, hold it in reserve, among all those other desires the realisation of which, as soon as I knew it to be possible, I would cheerfully postpone.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

I was disappointed not to have met the girls. But at least there was now a possible opening into their lives; the days when they did nothing but pass across a horizon, when I could believe they might never appear on it again, were over. They were no longer surrounded by the great turbid swirl which kept us apart, which was nothing but the translation of the desire—perpetually ablaze, mobile, urgent, constantly fueled by worry—ignited in me by their inaccessibility, their possible disappearance from my life forever. This desire for them could now be turned down, kept in reserve, alongside so many others whose fulfillment, once I knew this was a possibility, I postponed.
(Translated by James Grieve)
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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