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The last paragraph of Swann in love---斯萬之戀的結局
2008/11/09 19:47:39瀏覽858|回應0|推薦1


(p.411-412 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

But while, an hour after his awakening, he was giving instructions to the barber, so that his stiffly brushed hair should not become disarranged on the journey, he thought once again of his dream; he saw once again, as he had felt them close beside him, Odette’s pallid complexion, her too thin cheeks, her drawn features, her tired eyes, all the things which—in the course of those successive bursts of affection which had made of his enduring love for Odette a long oblivion of the first impression that he had formed of her—he had ceased to observe after the first few days of their intimacy, days to which, doubtless, while he slept, his memory had returned to seek the exact sensation of those things. And with that old, intermittent fatuity, which reappeared in him now that he was no longer unhappy, and lowered, at the same time, the average level of his morality, he cried out in his heart: “To think that I have wasted years of my life, that I have longed for death, that the greatest love that I have ever known has been for a woman who did not please me, who was not in my style!”

(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) 

Mais tandis que, une heure après son réveil, il donnait des indications au coiffeur pour que sa brosse ne se dérangeât pas en wagon, il repensa à son rêve ; il revit, comme il les avait sentis tout près de lui, le teint pâle d’Odette, les joues trop maigres, les traits tirés, les yeux battus, tout ce que – au cours des tendresses successives qui avaient fait de son durable amour pour Odette un long oubli de l’image première qu’il avait reçue d’elle – il avait cessé de remarquer depuis les premiers temps de leur liaison, dans lesquels sans doute, pendant qu’il dormait, sa mémoire en avait été chercher la sensation exacte. Et avec cette muflerie intermittente qui reparaissait chez lui dès qu’il n’était plus malheureux et qui baissait du même coup le niveau de sa moralité, il s’écria en lui-même : « Dire que j’ai gâché des années de ma vie, que j’ai voulu mourir, que j’ai eu mon plus grand amour, pour une femme qui ne me plaisait pas, qui n’était pas mon genre ! »

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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