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Excerpt:韓炳哲的《美的救贖》 繼續閱讀韓炳哲,也就繼續找到普魯斯特相關的章節,以下摘要分享。 https://www.books.com.tw/products/CN11675941 美的救贖 作者:韓炳哲 譯者:關玉紅 出版社:中信出版社 出版日期:2019/10 美如今正處於一種矛盾的處境。 一方面,它如通貨膨脹般蔓延四溢:到處都可以感受到人們對美的狂熱崇拜。另一方面,美失去了一切超越性,屈服於消費的內在性:它塑造了資本的美學的一面。美以及崇高或震動所帶來的對消極性的體驗,完全被純粹的快樂即點贊所取代。美最終被色情化。 本書既為我們展示了那些以真理、災難或誘惑表現出來的美的形式,也闡明瞭那些建立美的倫理或政治的美的維度。 【Excerpt】 〈回憶之美〉(Beauty as Reminiscence) 瓦爾特·本雅明將回憶盛讚為人類生存的本質。“已被內在化的此在之一切力量”都來自回憶。回憶還是美的本質。沒有回憶,即使美“綻放”正濃,也是“空洞”的。對美而言,至關重要的不是正在閃光的現在,而是可供持久回憶的曾在(Gewesenheit)。因此,本雅明引用柏拉圖的話說: “柏拉圖《斐德羅篇》裡的話證明瞭一點,‘剛剛從聖職授予典禮歸來、目睹天堂諸事的人,當他看到化身為美的神的容貌或身形時,首先便會回想起從前經歷過的窘境,雖然那麼狼狽不堪,卻還是徑直向它走去。他認清了美的本質,把它當神一樣去崇拜,因為隨著回憶上升為美的理念,它就會和深思一同位列聖地之上’。” (The words of Plato’s ‘Phaedrus’ testify to this: ‘But when one is fresh from the mystery and who saw much of the vision beholds a godlike face or bodily form that truly expresses beauty, he is at first seized with shuddering and a measure of that awe which the vision inspired, then with reverence as if at the sight of a god; … At this sight, his memory returns to that form of beauty, and he sees her once again enthroned by the side of temperance upon her holy seat.’) 人們因為美的形象而回憶起曾在者(das Gewesene)。美的經驗對柏拉圖來說就是曾在者的重現,即一種重新認識。 作為回憶,美的經驗沒有了受完全不同的時間性主導的消費性。被消費的,永遠是新事物,而不是曾在者。“重新認識”對消費來說可能是完全有害的。消費的時間性不是曾在性。回憶和持久同消費是格格不入的。消費依靠的是支離破碎的時間。消費最大程度地破壞了持久性。信息的泛濫、令人眼花繚亂的快速切換使人無法停留片刻去回憶。數碼圖片不能持久拴住人的注意力。它們很快就會失去視覺上的吸引力,人們對它們的印象也會逐漸轉淡。 對於馬塞爾·普魯斯特來說,體驗的持久性是他經歷的關鍵之處,就好比品嚐浸潤在椴花茶中的瑪德琳娜蛋糕那經久不去的美味一樣。這是一種在回憶中發生的故事。一“小滴”茶可以擴展成為一座“宏偉的回憶大廈”。普魯斯特獲得的是“一小份純粹的時間”。這份時間凝結成散發著芬芳的水晶,一個“充滿香味的容器”,它把普魯斯特從時間的倏忽中解救出來: “一種微妙的幸福感穿過我的全身,一種不為什麼而存在的幸福感,我不知其從何而來。那一刻,生命的無常於我而言突然靜如止水,人生的災難也不過是無傷的逆流,生命的短暫也只是一種幻覺;我身上被觸發了只有愛才能帶來的體會,我感覺自己被美好的東西所充實:或許,這美好並非處於我的內心,我就是這美好本身。現在,我不再感到平庸、命運無常、年華易逝。” (An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses, something isolated, detached, with no suggestion of its origin. And at once the vicissitudes of life had become indifferent to me, its disasters innocuous, its brevity illusory – this new sensation having had the effect, which love has, of filling me with a precious essence; or rather this essence was not in me, it was me. I had ceased now to feel mediocre, contingent, mortal.) 普魯斯特的敘事是一種時間的實踐,它在包括藝術在內的一切領域都那麼“簡單粗暴”的“匆忙時代”的鼎盛期創造了持久性。匆忙時代反對“事物如電影般被放映”,反對電影時間,因為那是當下時間點的快速切換。使人幸福的持久性經驗源於過去和現在的融合。當下因回憶而感動、振奮,甚至被回憶催發: “這一緣由是我在將那些令人愉悅的印象進行比較的時候猜測出來的——它們的共同之處在於:回憶時,我同時在當下和過去的時間點上體驗著它們,直到過去最終吞噬現在,使我自己也不確定我究竟處於現在還是過去......” (And this cause I began to divine as I compared these diverse happy impressions, diverse yet with this in common, that I experienced them at the present moment and at the same time in the context of a distant moment, so that the past was made to encroach upon the present and I was made to doubt whether I was in the one or the other.) 美不是事物在當下直接呈現出來的。美的本質是長久以來發生的事情、產生的想法之間的神秘關聯。普魯斯特認為,生活本身就是一張關係網,“它在事件之間不停地......編織新的線索”,“為了使這些線索更加結實,它還加倍地編織絲線。如此一來,在過去的細枝末節和所有其他事物之間,我們只能選擇這張四處瀰漫的回憶之網所提供的連接路徑”。美就出現在事物相遇並建立關係的地方。美是講述著的。它是具有敘事性的事件,就如同真理那樣: “......只有在作家選取兩個不同的物體,確定它們之間的關係......並將它們圈定在某種美的風格之內的那一刻,真理才開始顯現;甚至真理只顯現在作家如同生活那樣,指明兩種感受的共性,並通過將二者統一在一個隱喻之中,使之擺脫時間的偶然性,同時使用不可言表的遣詞造句將二者捆綁在一起,進而釋放出本質的那一刻。” (… truth will be attained by him [the author] only when he takes two different objects, states the connexion between them … and encloses them in the necessary links of a well-wrought style; truth – and life too – can be attained by us only when, by comparing a quality common to two sensations, we succeed in extracting their common essence and in reuniting them to each other, liberated from the contingencies of time, within a metaphor[, thus linking them to each other through the ineffable efficacy of the combination of words].) 將事物彼此聯繫的“物聯網”(Internet der Dinge)沒有敘述性。用於信息交換的交流講述不出任何東西。這種交流只是信息的疊加而已。美指的是那些具有敘事性的關聯。如今,疊加取代了敘事。信息串聯逐漸取代了敘事關係。信息的疊加並不能形成敘事關係。隱喻才是敘事關係,使我們可以就事物或事件進行交流。 作家的工作就是去隱喻世間萬物,也就是去詩化世界。作家詩性地看問題的方式發現了事物間隱藏的關聯。美是一種關於關係的事件,具有特殊的時間性。它不能被立即享受到,因為一件事情的美要很久以後才會作為一種回憶借著另一種事物的光亮顯現。美是由閃著磷火的歷史沈澱而成的。 (The task of the writer is to metaphorize, that is to poeticize, the world. The writer’s poetic perspective discovers the hidden liaisons between things. Beauty is a relational event. A specific temporality is inherent to it. It evades being enjoyed immediately because the beauty of a thing only appears much later in the light of another, as a reminiscence. It consists of historical layers which emit a phosphorescent glow.) 美是一個優柔寡斷者、一個遲到者。美不是瞬間的光芒,而是沈靜的餘暉。美的高貴正體現在這自持之中。直接的誘惑和刺激會阻礙人們對美的理解。事物隱藏的美、散發芬芳的本質只能事後間接得以展露。漫長與緩慢是美的姿態。通過直接接觸是不會遇到美的。美只在重逢與重識中發生: “美是慢箭。——最高貴的美不會一下子把人吸引住,它不會實施令人醉倒的猛烈攻勢(這種美容易引起反感)。相反,它漸漸滲透,人幾乎不知不覺地被它帶走,並一度在夢中與它重逢......” (Beauty is something hesitating, a latecomer. Not the present brilliance, but the still afterglow is beautiful. This reserve accounts for its nobleness. Immediate stimuli and excitations block the access to beauty. The things only unveil their hidden beauty, their fragrant essence, belatedly via detours. Long-lasting and slow: that is the pace of beauty. One does not happen across beauty in an immediate encounter. Rather, it occurs in the form of a renewed encounter and a re-cognition: The slow arrow of beauty. The most noble kind of beauty is that which does not carry us away suddenly, whose attacks are not violent or intoxicating (this kind easily awakens disgust), but rather the kind of beauty which infiltrates slowly, which we carry along with us almost unnoticed, and meet up with again in dreams …) 英譯:Saving Beauty (Translated by Daniel Steuer)/ 2017/11 |
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