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試譯:《一百歲感言》 楊絳
2013/08/28 03:25:53瀏覽649|回應0|推薦3
Retiredbum notes:

You may or may not recognize Ms. Yang Jiang, but please google for  her biography, thanks.  She should translate her words all by herself, in English, French and Spanish, but she neednt prove anything, for she is one of greatest translators, essayists of modern China.   Ms. Yang, please forgive my boldness, although I did it with deep admiration and worship over you, and your late husband, Mr. Qian Zhongshu.  Thank you, Ms. Yang.
 Finally we have realized: our own world belongs to us only, having nothing to do with others at all.
我今年一百歲,已經走到了人生的邊緣,我無法確知自己還能走多遠 ,壽命是不由自主的,但我很清楚我快回家了。
Now I am 100 of age(Retiredbum note: that was two years ago, now she is 102), having approached the margin of my entire life.  I am not sure how much farther I can reach, for I cant determine my life span, but I know it well that Ill be "home" pretty soon. 
⋯⋯ 我得洗淨這一百年沾染的污穢回家。我沒有登泰山而小天下之感 ,只在自己的小天地裡過平靜的生活。細想至此,我心靜如水,我該 平和地迎接每一天,準備回家。
I should clean myself up all of the blemishes I have had throughout these 100 years before returning home.  I dont have the lofty thought that I am on top of Mt. Tai and regard everything below as of less significance, and all  I want is to lead a tranquil life in my small world.  Quiet contemplation brings me a quiet mind like hardly a ripple on the water in a lake, so I should greet evey day with calmness and prepare myself well to go home. 
在這物慾橫流的人世間,人生一世實在是夠苦。你存心做一個與世無 爭的老實人吧,人家就利用你欺侮你。你稍有才德品貌,人家就嫉妒 你排擠你。你大度退讓,人家就侵犯你損害你。你要不與人爭,就得 與世無求,同時還要維持實力準備鬥爭。你要和別人和平共處,就先 得和他們周旋,還得準備隨時吃虧。
Life is like a crucible in which a person is to pass through a world fraught with greed and desire.  If you choose to be not aggressive, people would take advantage of your self-effacement.  If you are a person of talent and presence, even not that brilliant, people would envy your endowment and edge you out.  So be self-effacing, people will infringe upon you and cause you harm.  If you dont want to vie with others, then you have to choose keeping youself aloof; in the meanwhile, you should also address yourself well to stand by fightings.  If you want to live with others in peace, you have to play along with others, and be ready for any unfavorable situations. 
少年貪玩,青年迷戀愛情,壯年汲汲於成名成家,暮年自安於自欺欺 人。
People usually indulge themseves in different things at different stages: ammusements when they are young, infatuation when in their adolescence, family and fame when grown up, being content with deceiving themselves as well as other when they are old. 
人壽幾何,頑鐵能煉成的精金,能有多少?但不同程度的鍛煉,必有 不同程度的成績;不同程度的縱慾放肆,必積下不同程度的頑劣。
How many people can reach longevity; how much pig iron can be forged into purified steel.  Different degree of ordeals will definitely result in different outcomes; different degree of debauchery will definitely amass different incurable illness. 
上蒼不會讓所有幸福集中到某個人身上,得到愛情未必擁有金錢;擁 有金錢未必得到快樂;得到快樂未必擁有健康;擁有健康未必一切都 會如願以償。
Heaven wont smile on a person with all kinds of happiness.  One gets love may not get money also; one acquires money, but money may not buy one happiness; happiness may not coexist with health; and health wont guarantee everything propitious.   
保持知足常樂的心態才是淬煉心智,淨化心靈的最佳途徑。一切快樂 的享受都屬於精神,這種快樂把忍受變為享受,是精神對於物質的勝 利,這便是人生哲學。
Maintaining sense of contentment is the best way to obtain a forged mind and a purified soul.  The enjoyment of happiness pertains to spirit only.  This kind of happiness turns endurance into enjoyment, being the triumph of spirit over material, the ultimate philosophy of life.   
一個人經過不同程度的鍛煉,就獲得不同程度的修養、不同程度的效 益。好比香料,搗得愈碎,磨得愈細,香得愈濃烈。我們曾如此渴望 命運的波瀾,到最後才發現:人生最曼妙的風景,竟是內心的淡定與 從容……我們曾如此期盼外界的認可,到最後才知道:世界是自己的 ,與他人毫無關係。
Only after passing through ordeals of different degree, can a person acquire cultivation and effect of different degree.  It can be liken to spices.  The more we pestle them, and the more we grind them, the stronger their smell of fragrance will permeate.  "Variety is the spice of life" has been our expectation for fate; however, at last we find out that the most fatastic and graceful landscape of our life is the tranquility and composure of our hearts.  We have been seeking the approval from outer world, and finally we have realized: our own world belongs to us only, having nothing to do with others at all.
《一百歲感言》 楊絳
Thoughtful remarks by a centenarian, Yang Jiang

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