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試譯 陸游 臨安春雨初霽
2025/02/01 09:48:12瀏覽291|回應0|推薦16

世味年來薄似紗, Thiner as gauze my interest in offices.

誰令騎馬客京華。Who invites me riding to the capital?

小樓一夜聽春雨, Hearing the spring rain all night long,

深巷明朝賣杏花。tomorrow morning, the apricot peddling in alleys.

矮紙斜行閑作草, Slanting cursive writings written on the papers,

晴窗細乳戲分茶。Before the window, I made tea leisurely.

素衣莫起風塵嘆, Care not the dust polluting my shirt,

猶及清明可到家。 Ill be home before the tomb-sweeping day.

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