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試譯 唐 張籍 秋思
2023/09/12 12:43:47瀏覽150|回應0|推薦15

洛陽城裡見秋風,The autumn wind started blowing in Luoyang again.

欲作家書意萬重。 It urged me to write a long letter to my folks back home.

復恐匆匆說不盡, I was afraid of missing anything I wanted to say,

行人臨發又開封。 So before the messenger leaving, I opened the letter again.

PS: If you guys are away from your hometown, please write something to your folks, particularly your parents, every day; even a simple "I am fine. Hows everything?" will do. The most convenient messenger is social media on your phone. FYI, the poem was selected for the readers of the primary schools in China.

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