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試譯 白居易 春題湖上
2023/07/22 16:38:49瀏覽162|回應1|推薦11

湖上春來似畫圖,West Lake in spring is like a picturesque setting 

亂峰圍繞水平鋪。The sinuous mountains surround the jade water.

松排山面千重翠,The dense clusters of verdant pines bathe the mountains.

月點波心一顆珠。and the full moon reflects in the lake like a bright gem.

碧毯線頭抽早稻,The sprouting ears on paddy fields are like lace threads on green carpets.

青羅裙帶展新蒲。The verdant river palms spread like ribbons of hemlines.

未能拋得杭州去,Why do I hate to leave Hangzhou behind?

一半勾留是此湖。Partly because the lake makes me linger on

PS: In these sultry days, how I wish I could stay at West Lake in the springtime.  FYI, the city of Hangzhou will host the Asian Games in September, and I hope the camera will focus more on West Lake besides the games themselves.

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I Beg Your Pardon.......
2023/07/22 21:56
An Indian summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in autumn in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. 微笑
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2023-07-22 22:41 回覆:
Yes, I did misunderstand the meaning of "Indian Summer".  Thank you for correcting me.  FYI, I have replaced it with "sultry".