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2024/01/13 16:03:18瀏覽155|回應0|推薦8 | |
行年欲四十,有女曰金鑾。I am pushing 40, and I have my first bady girl: Jinluan. 生來始週歲,學坐未能言。She is now one year old, learning to sit but not yet to speak. 慚非達者懷,未免俗情憐。I am an ordinary father, a doting father just like others. 從此累身外,徒雲慰目前。Now I have a burden to bear; the only compensation is my pleasure from her. 若無夭折患,則有婚嫁牽。Should nothing happen to her, I would worry about her marriage someday. 使我歸山計,應遲十五年。Hence, my retirement plan may be prolonged for another fifteen years.
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