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試譯 白居易 鄰女
2023/09/10 09:45:03瀏覽173|回應0|推薦10

娉婷十五勝天仙,A beauty of fifteen is like a fairy,

白日姮娥旱地蓮。competing with the lady on the Moon or the lotus in the soil.

何處閒教鸚鵡語,Where can I see her teach the parrot to speak again,

碧紗窗下繡床前。that beneath the gauze window and before her bed of embroidery?

PS: According to Mr. Bai, the girl is his first love, maybe the only love. Even though he waited until he was 37 years old for her, Mr. Bai was unable to marry her due to the two unequal families. She was 40 years old and still single when Mr. Bai last saw her, at the age of 44. FYI, her name is 湘靈.

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