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試譯 白居易 錢塘湖春行
2023/04/01 15:08:53瀏覽759|回應0|推薦16

孤山寺北賈亭西,West of Pavilion Jia and north of Gu Hill,

水面初平雲腳低。 water is levelled and clouds are hanging low.

幾處早鶯爭暖樹, Scrambling for sunny trees, early orioles trill,

誰家新燕啄春泥。 pecking vernal mud in, swallows shuttle to and fro.

亂花漸欲迷人眼, A riot of color from blossons begin to dazzle my eyes,

淺草才能沒馬蹄。 shallow grass hides the horse hoofs that can barely be seen.

最愛湖東行不足, I linger on the east of the lake that under the sky,

綠楊陰裏白沙堤。 where the White Sand Bunk is shaded by willows green.

 FYI, 錢塘湖 is 西湖.

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