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2022/12/23 21:14:59瀏覽739|回應0|推薦15 | |
夜來攜手夢同游,晨起盈巾淚莫收。 In dreams, we hanged out together, arm in arm; at dawn, I left my tears stains there, hanky by hanky. 漳浦老身三度病,咸陽宿草八回秋。 My old body ailed three times in Zhangpu; the grass on your tomb had grown for eight years at Xianyang. 君埋泉下泥銷骨,我寄人間雪滿頭。 Now you slumbered underground, while grey-haired me was on my last legs in this mundane world. 阿衛韓郎相次去,夜台茫昧得知不? Both of your loving Wei and Han passed away; had you ever met them in underworld? PS 微之 is the aka of 元稹 |
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