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試譯 顧毓琇 茅廬
2023/06/01 18:44:52瀏覽191|回應0|推薦12

自結茅廬隱一樵,I built myself a thatch cottage to be a woodman hermit.

疏星點點耿天寥。The scattering stars brightened the silent firmament.

鄉音久斷還看月,The moon has been my only company far away from my hometown, 

時雨偶來且聽蕉。 and the only sound was from the banana leaves that the raindrops brought.

遙寺晚鐘驚宿鳥,  The toll from the remote temple frightened the resting birds.

客船歸夢阻殘橋。   The broken bridge foiled the returning boats.

流人苦望收京早,    The refugees were pining for their lost homeland.

烽火家園柳萬條。     where in the war still full of myriad willows.

PS: Someone sent me a video regarding the brief biography of Dr. Gu via LINE today. I do know Dr. Gu is a great scientist and a mathematician, but I have never learned that he is also a great poet, producing over 700 pieces of poetry in his 100 years in this world, only second to Mr. Lu You of the Song Dynasty in Chinese history. Then I searched online for his works, and I would like to share the subject one with you.

FYI, 一樵 is the other name of Dr. Gu.


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