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社會定律 The Laws of Social Activities
1.本事定律 Law of Ability
Never let the your temper exceed the ability you have had now.
2.捷徑定律 Law of Shortcut
The shortcut taken by everyone is actually the hardest way.
3.成長定律 Law of Growth
Growth is the process of muting your sob.
4.錯誤定律 Law of Error
If you think everybody else is wrong about something, most likely it is you who commits an error.
5.效果定律 Law of Effect
Shedding tears over wound or spreading salts onto wound causes the same effect.
6.嫉妒定律 Law of Jealousy
Usually people do not envy the wealth and stature pertaining to strangers; rather, they are jealous of the successful guys by their side.
7.方圓定律 Law of Being Square or Tactful
One should not be either too square or too tactful, for being too square would hurt others, while too tactful would scare people away. So be moderate.
8.口水定律 Law of Gossip
As your popularity increases, so does the gossip concerning you.
9.利用定律 Law of Usage
Fear not being made use of by others, fear that you are not useful.
10.成就定律 Law of Accomplishment
If you are a person of no accomplishments, you will have few friends because of your mediocrity; if you are a person with accomplishments, then you will lose friends because of your eminence.
11.餡餅定律 Law of Windfall
When windfall comes to you, be well aware of the pit waiting for you on the ground.
12.錯誤定律 Law of Mistake
The biggest mistake that ordinary people commit everyday is too nice to strangers, while too hard to the persons close to you.
13.評價定律 Law of Evaluation
Dont be curious about how other persons evaluate what you are ; just think how do you evaluate what they are.
14.蔥蒜定律 Law of Self-awareness
太拿自己當根蔥的人,往往特別善於: 裝蒜。
A man who esteems himself too high, usually he is good at: pretending.
15.流言定律 Law of Rumor
Rumors are like words written on the flowing water, bound to stay short, but to disseminate fast.
16.害怕定律 Law of Fearfulness
Novices fear journeymen; journeymen fear masters; masters fear blunders.
17.難過定律 Law of Sorrow
The people who are happy for your sorrows are your enemies; happy for your joys, your friends; sorry for your sorrows, then they should be always on your mind.
18.傻瓜定律 Law of Stupity
A man who regards everybody else as a fool, he must be an utmost fool himself.
19.吃虧定律 Law of Easy Prey
As long as you do not think you are unfairly treated, then no one would have take any advantage (from you).
20.風雨定律 Law of Storm
Love can weather the storm, but not the dullness; friendship can stand dullness, but not the storm!
Read the article meticulously three times, then you could be conferred a doctoral degree in sociology.
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