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有一种活法,叫“当你老了”经济日报微信 作者:乔金亮2016:1920-08-29 23:
01 你是否想象过,自己两鬓斑白、步履蹒跚的样子? Have you ever thought of you are a grey-haired and unsteady old fellow? 如今,从清晨到黄昏,从街巷到公园,随处可见老年人的身影。 Nowadays, from dawn to dusk, alleys to parks, seniors are seen everywhere. 这是一场你我皆会置身其中的变化:全国每天两万多人进入老年,60岁以上老年人总数近2.5亿。 This is a changing situation that you and I have to resign ourselves to: every single day there will be twenty thousand people joining the senior club, and the seniors over 65 years old are nearing a quater billion, nationwide. 然而,新技术日新月异,往往让许多老人眼花缭乱,有些落伍。 However, the new technology changes with each passing day, which almost always makes a lot of seniors dazzled and lagged behind. 不久前,大连地铁,一位老人过安检时受阻。原因很简单,没有健康码,非但没有,还不懂健康码是何物。耳背加上工作人员不耐烦,老人开始变得紧张,情绪激动,双方一度争执不下。 Not long ago, a senior citizen was unable to pass a security checkpoint in the subway of Dalian. The reason was quite simple: lacking of health QR code, and the old guy even did not know what the hell is it. Due to his hearing problem and the impatience of the security officer, the old guy became nervous and flustered. Two parties concerned thus argued bitterly with each other. 后来,经过警察调解,老人为自己的行为道歉,网上却有不少人说他倚老卖老。但通过现场视频,我分明看出,这只是一位孤独无助的老人。 Later on, a police officer came to mediate between the two, and old guy apologized for his undue behavior. Many a netizen critized him behaving like a Duch uncle, but as I watched the video on the scene, I could see that was is only a solitary and helpless old guy over there. 请别让互联网时代落下一个老年人。习以为常的东西说变就变,面对陌生的事物,他们一脸茫然。设身处地为老年人着想,用老年人的思维来解决问题才是关键。 Please do not let the internet era levave any senior behind. To aged people, anything they have got used to is likely to change all in a sudden, and they may be left at a loss when facing any new stuff. Please place ourselves in their position, and try to use their thinking to solve the problem. That is essential. 02 如何养老、怎样享老正逐渐成为我们生活中的高频词汇。 The issues concerning how to provide for the aged and how to enjoy our latter days have gradually become a term of cyber star in our daily lives. “老吾老以及人之老”,养老是老年人生活的基础,但老年人的需求并不只是养老。 "Taking good cares of our own parents as well as others" is the fundamental requirement for better lives of seniors. But caring is not the only one that the seniors are asking for. “90后”小伙许凯是一名摄影爱好者。他从大学开始给农村老人拍照,至今已拍了数百位老人。他说,拍摄过程中,有些老人感动得落泪,有些老人只为了能和陌生人聊聊天。 Xu Kai is a post-90 young fellow who is a shutterbug. He has been taking over several hundred pictures for the aged people living in rural areas since he was a college student. He said during the picture-takings some old fellows were reduced to tears, and some of them were simply trying to have some chats with a stranger. “叔,我给你照张相吧!”从寒暄、聊天,到帮老人拍照、拍视频,许凯渐渐打开了老人们的心扉。人们才得以看到,他镜头下老人们最真实、最美好的样子。 "Pop, may I take a picture for you?" Starting from hellows, chats to picture-taking and video-shooting, by degree Xu opened up the hearts of those seniors, and so let us see their most realistic and beautiful looks out of his lens. 每位老人都是一部历史,他们经历过的风雨故事,需要有人替他们记得。在物质需求之外,他们多元化的需求更需要满足。 Every single old fellow is a part of history. The vicissitudes of their lives take people to remember for them. Besides material needs, their multi-requirements ought to be satisfied also. 老人们期盼兴建和完善养老设施和服务,更把自己的意愿和尊严放在第一位。他们的生活,并不只是煮饭带孙子、闭门过日子,他们也有自己的情感寄托和价值实现。 Aged people are anticipating more facilities and services to fulfill their needs according to their own willingness and dignities. Their lives should not be limited to cooking and caring grandchildren, or confined in their residence; they also have their own emotion and own value to be realized. 03 让老人们继续承担社会人的角色,利用他们丰富的人生阅历、宝贵的人生经验,发挥个人所长,融入社会生活,才能让他们更有尊严地享老。 Let seniors continue taking responsibilities as a member of society; make good use of their ample life experience and professional expertise; help them accommodate in social activities. Only in so doing, can we enable them enjoying their own latter days. 在我国2.5亿老人中,60岁到70岁的老人占一半以上,这些“年轻”的老人,国际上称为活力老年人。在深度老龄化的一些国家和地区,从出租车司机到便利店收银员,活力老年人活跃在各行业一线的情景很常见。 Over half of the seniors in our country are in the category between 60 and 70. Those "young" fellows are called active seniors internationally, and in some countries and areas of highly age societies, they are still widely seen in every walk of life, from taxi drivers to cashiers in convenience stores, and so on. 与上一代老年人相比,新一代老年人物质条件有盈余、信息接触更广泛,适应社会的能力更强。 Compared with those of last generation, the seniors of new era boast of more surplus in substances, more accessible information, and stronger capacity to accommodate themselves to the society. 不同于“重储蓄、轻消费”的祖辈,新一代老年人重视合理消费,追求美和健康,文化娱乐方式更丰富,对自我价值实现也有新的期许。 Being different from their parents and grandparents of "saving first, expending second", the seniors of new generation emphasize on reasonable expanding, pursuit of beauty and health. They could enjoy more on the various types of culture and entertainments, and could embrace the new expectation of self-realization. 时代在发展,“老有所为”价值的实现其实并不难。 The world keeps on developing. It is not that hard for seniors to realize the value of being "old but able". 每个人都终将老去。当你老了,愿你“不知老之将至”,优雅地生活,被世界温柔以待。 Eventually, everybody will be aged. When we are getting old, let us hope we do not pay much attention on it but do live our rest life gracefully in a tender world. |
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