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試譯: "我們總以為來日方長,却忘了世事無常"
2020/01/07 15:41:24瀏覽810|回應0|推薦7


求是网 2020-01-05 08:41:21


There are always some people whom you think you can meet again.  There are always something that you take them granted as they will go on existing all the time.     


But in an instant, like you are just turning around, you could never see someone again in the rest of your life. 


In between sunset and sunrise, everything might change.  Before you knew it, you might never get back to where you were. 


One of the biggest mistakes of us is to think we have plenty of time.


We have been always thinking that we own ourselves uninhibited time to squander, and so the time to wait. 


"Do not hasten to take care of something and there is no hurry of seeing someone because many tomorrows will come."  You keep on telling yourselves.


Indeed, time is endless, but not to us.  We must forget the cruelty of time; we must forget our lives are too short to repay the kindness this world has rendered to us, and we must also forget life itself is too fragile to be unassailable.    


Among a thousand of expectations there in the world, the best one is "tomorrow will be a brighter day". 


Likewise, a thousand of lies in this world also, the biggest one is there are "years ahead of us". 


We always think that the future is a long, long journey for us.  In fact, no one knows which one of the following comes earlier, a tomorrow or an accident.


We keep on waiting for future, leisure time, next time, spare time, and the time when we are rich enough to fulfill any of our needs.    


But during the time of waiting, we are bound to lose the possible lots, our youth and health, chances and choices, everything but regrets.


What does the word "possession" really mean to you?


A notion arises in your mind, telling you to do something, then do it and get it done without any efforts spared.  When accomplished, it becomes one of the real "possessions" of yours.   


Therefore, do not procrastinate, do not dread, and then you do not have to repent your waiting. 


So stop quitting the idea of "years ahead of us" any more because your friends will not be waiting there for you all the time.  Make good use of we are still being, meet one another whenever we can.  Do not wait until the time you are trying to meet you old pals but some of them are unable to accept or keep an appointment.


So stop quitting the idea of "years ahead of us" any more because time will not be waiting there for you.  Take advantage of some opportune moment, go to get an improvised travel.  Do not wait until the days when you can only walk with faltering steps.   


Nothing is eternal, and everything is impermanent.  To love the loved ones, to meet the people you want to see, to do the things you want to do, while there are still bright sunshine and gentle breeze. 

如此,才是对人生最大的不辜负 !

Cape diem!  That is the best reward for your life!




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