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試譯: "魯迅說:去五個地方,會改變你的心態"
2017/06/02 11:49:59瀏覽730|回應0|推薦5

1、醫院 Hospitals:
這裡集聚了人間痛苦,are the places where collect the agonies of human being;
才知道你有健康最重要; finally you've realized health is the thing most important to you.
2、和高人談話 Talking to a polymath,
才知落後,會激勵你要不斷進取;then you'll know how much farther you've lagged behind, and the conversation will spur you on to constant progress.
3、奢華商場 Luxurious markets,
看到令人乍舌的高檔商品才清楚自己是窮人 the prohibitive price tags there will make you realize that you are really a poor guy.
4、建築工地 Construction sites:
感受工人生活上班艱辛,你才會加倍珍惜自己的工作;after empatizing with the hardships that the workers are suffering, then you will cherish your job in hand even more dearly. 
5、火葬場 At crematoriums:
會懂得不去計較任何事,活著比什麼都重要!you will understand not to fuss over any trivial things, for to live is more important than anything else!

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