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試譯 楊絳: "善待暮年"
2017/01/08 09:01:03瀏覽830|回應0|推薦7

善待暮年  Treat the old age of yours with care

花開花謝,潮起潮落,不經意間我們正走向人生的暮年。從呱呱墜地到兩鬢染霜,歲月的行囊裡裝滿了酸甜苦辣。接下來,在 夕陽的路上能走多遠,取決於我們的體魄和心態。在曾經的歲月裡,每個人都會有大小不一的光環,但這光環已是過去 式。當光環退去,誰都需柴米油鹽,誰都是一介布衣。我們曾如此渴望命運的波瀾,到最後才發現:人生最曼妙的風景,竟是內心的淡定與從容... 我們曾如此期望外界的認可,到最後才知道,世界是自己的,與他人毫無關係。

Like the blooming and withering of the flower, the ebb and flow of the tide, unconsciously we are approaching the old age of ours.  Throughout the first day we came to the world with a cry, till the days of gray hairs crawling along our temples, all kinds of grievances, sweetness, bitterness, and poignancy are filled in the luggage of time with them we have been travelling.  In the wake of the time elapsed, how much farther can we go in the last sunset hinges upon our physical condition and mental attitude.  Time was when we all had, to some extent, glorious moments of our own, but they are all done right now.  When the glory have faded away, everybody should return to his or her daily life, for after all everyone is just an ordinary person.  Variety is the spice of life, as the saying goes, and once we all had yearned for a life like that; but at last we found out that the most fascinating scene of a life is the calmness and composure of our inner selves.  We all have eagerly expected to be recognized from other people, but eventually we will realize our own world is purely ours, having nothing to do with others.   

今天,我們生活的國度裡,銀髮浪潮席捲而來,老年人的比例越來越高,年輕人的負擔越來越重。老年朋友們,何不錯開尖峰時間出行,給公共交通緩解壓力,與年輕人相互理解、相互關懷、相互尊重,何樂而不為?不要滿懷焦灼期待子女常回家看看。子女們有各自的生活和事業,他們像永不停歇的陀螺一樣,上有老下有小,“老”是“ 夕陽 ”,“小”是“朝陽”。朝陽總比夕陽更令人關注和憧憬,這是動物繁衍生息的法則,是規律,誰也不能違背。記住,年輕人永遠比老年人忙。

Today, the wave of gray hair has swept across the country, having made the ratio of senior citizens in our societies higher and higher, and the burden of young people heavier and heavier.  Dear fellow aged friends, why don't we avoid rush hours as to alleviate the pressure of public transportation, and why don't we interact with young people in the ways of mutual understanding, mutual care, and mutual respect?  Don't expect anxiously that your children would often return their parents' home, for they have homes of their own and business to tend to;  they are like a spinning top, never stops.  They have old and young to take care of: the old is like "sunset", while the young is like "sunrise", and people always care more about and expect more from the sunrise than that of the sunset.  That is the law of natural evolution and propagation for all creatures, being without any exception and violation to the rule.  Remember this, young guys are always busier than old ones. 

人生,夫妻也好,母女父子也罷,不管是怎樣的水乳交融、心心相繫,每個人都是生命的獨立個體,因此,我們要學會在孤獨的時候給自己安慰,在寂寞的時候給自己溫暖。老要有老的風骨, 老要有老的優雅, 正如春華秋實, 四季輪迴, 各有風采。暮年是美好生活的開始,是一種從容、恬闊、悠哉游哉的狀態。願我們保持一顆寧靜的心, 少些期盼、多些寬容, 寵辱不驚、去留無礙, 微笑向前,善待暮年的自己。

Everyone is an independent identity of a life which is different from others', no matter their interrelationship are husband and wife, parents and children, and regardless of how cordial and compatible they may have been with one another.  Hence, we must learn how to give ourselves consolation when we lead a solitary life, give ourselves warmth when we face the time of loneliness.  We have to maintain our vigor of old style and our elegance in old presence, just like the glorious flowers in spring and the sold fruits in autumn, having their own grace bearings amid the changing of seasons.  Old age is the begining of the end, but the end of a beautiful life, a state of composure, tranquility, ease, and leisure.  May we all have a peaceful mind with lesser expectation and more tolerance, without disturbance of honor and disgrace from outside, or concerns of our destiny.  Let's move along with smiles and treat the old age of ours with care.    





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