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試譯 王維 息夫人
2024/12/23 12:27:51瀏覽304|回應0|推薦11

莫以今時寵, Though he treats her well,

難忘舊日恩。 She wont forget her love. 

看花滿眼淚, Facing the flowers in tears.

不共楚王言。 No words with King Chu.

PS. According to the history of Spring and Autumn, Madam Xi was taken by the king of Chu when he annexed the State of Xi. Even though she gave birth to two sons for the king, Madam Xi would not forget her former husband and became a silent woman, not least before the king. The king wondered why. She said, "I am a woman feeling disgraceful of serving two husbands. So, I barely survive in an ignoble way. What can I say more?"  

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