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2014/06/06 10:37:03瀏覽569|回應1|推薦3 | |
風沙渡 —— 拒絕平庸(2011年 高考滿分作文 )
大 陸的高考,作文占總分比重最 大。在「一張考卷定終生」的6月 搏戰中,作文上拿分,非同小 可。對此,畢業班語文老師比學 生更緊張。他們事先運籌帷幄, 使出渾身解數,模擬出若干個作 文題,幫考生預作準備,行話叫 「猜題 押寶」。待打開試卷一看,押中 了,這個教師立即成為活孔明, 校長也身價倍增。 但 今年卻爆出一個擊破上述慣例的 消息:江蘇宜興中學的王 希由媽媽開車送考場路 上,偶然瞥見一家小吃店,招牌 是「風沙渡」。他 似有所悟,但並未放在心上。等考場坐定,打開試卷一看, 閱 卷室中出現滿分作文的消息不脛 而走,北京大學招生組奉命飛赴 宜興登門搶人,簽字吧,小伙 子,此刻開始,你就是咱們北大 高材生啦! 小 吃店開業前,鄰家一位女親戚宋 杏芬(律師兼作家),見老闆夫 婦艱難創業,如穿越重重風沙, 隨口說出這個店名。 如 今,一篇作文如平地一聲雷,為 世界華人矚目。 「風沙渡」域名(fengshadu.com)已經被搶註, 在網上叫賣2萬4000元, 還有投資專家預估「風沙渡」會 成為餐飲連鎖品牌。更有一些家 長帶孩子專程來此店就餐,以便 汲取靈氣,決勝未來考場。 作 文卷不同於數學卷。一道數學 題,對了是滿分,不對是零蛋, 無可爭議。當一份作文卷隨機到 達初評老師手裡而被評為滿分, 不僅需要伯樂的眼光,更需要敢 於擔當的膽量!為什麼呢? 你 給了滿分,一會兒別的老師要複 查、抽查。若對照評分細則,找 出一個錯別字, 一兩處「標點使用不當」、「用詞不當」、「語意不明」 評 卷老師都是臨時各處抽調,不是 熟人,表面客客氣氣,難免文人 相輕,指出別人疏漏,則顯示了 自己的水平。與其讓別人挑剔, 不如先扣上幾分, 堵別人的嘴。 所 以作文給分,及格容易,得滿分 難於上青天。因此,這位初評王 希作文的老師,果斷地 給了滿分,又闖過層層把關者的 審閱,現在已經擺在世人面前而 獲得交口稱讚,我們有理由首先 向這位有膽有識的無名英雄致 敬! 諸 多偶然因素讓王希嶄露頭角,但 偶然中寓有必然。 如 此稜角分明的立意,即使大陸知 名報刊文章,也不多見。文采更 不俗,二、 三百字中明 用和化用了辛棄疾、杜甫、 曹雪芹、陸游、司馬遷、莊子、 李白的精華詞句,流暢明快,高 屋建瓴,不見斧鑿痕跡。 沒有不懈的苦讀和獨立的思考, 再加穎悟的才具,是寫不出來 的。
全文如下 :====
I can't help thinking of the name, Fengshadu, of a bistro I saw on the way hastening to the testing center this morning. The three characters alone serves a perfect foil to unlimited imagination. Instantly, the messy storefront of that bistro seemed no longer shabby to me; instead, it appears a kind of unconstrained, vast sentiment that stirs me up deep down in my heart.
It takes just a signboard that enables an ordinary bistro to stand out brilliantly from many other "so-and-so restaurants". That deep impression evidences the power to surpass mediocrity.
Again, I can't help myself thinking of a bevy of another people who once sat right here struggling for fulfiling their dreams, but now they have become the ones of an "ant colony",and their housing problems have been like the cumbersome shells to snails. When the hardships of their lives have cooled down their enthusiasm and the realities have edged out their elan, when the skill they learnt have become useless and thus have been deleted from their brains, they have long forgotten the pride of being members of social elite, silent and indifferent. It is not cramped living space, nor the insufficient food and clothes that among the saddest things they are facing, rather it is that they've deprived themselves of the pursuit of their dreams, and left themselves with only forbearance and compliance. No one is born to be like an ant that is subject to be trodden by others, but as long as one is willing to be like a poor little ant, the only fate one has to face is doomed just like that. The demarcation between mediocrity and prominence hinges upon what one embraces: whether one owns a heart of the brave, the heart that can transcend mediocrity. Human beings are likened to the reeds that are capable of mental activities, but among them only the noblest are capable of thinking. Therefore, the nobility of human being stemmed from soul, the noble mind of highest level. Once you own yourself a heart that declines to accept mediocrity, eventually people will behold your inner quality of distinction from the assertive looks, the distinguished talks, and the tightly-held fists of yours. Even the final result is not that satisfactory as you are wishing for, even some vilification cast that you are nothing but a hapless victim to pursue pie in the sky, even you are like a fallen plum blossom that has turned muddy and dusty, the fragrance you've emitted still lingers.
Being like an ant, so what? If you have a lofty aspiration to reach for the stars like falcons trying to soar high while looking down on the sparrows snugly flying below, Then I firmly believe that someday you will surely soar up, on the wing of winds, into the immense skies, vast and might without any restrictions.
I believe the owner of "Fengshadu" isn't an ordinary businessman of mundane world, is he? If he is not from some highland full of gusty winds and sandy soil, he must be a learned man of letters who has to lead a worldly life like you and me. Otherwise, how come can he figure out such a name of vastness and classic bouquet for that signboard?
"Fengshadu", there must I go, not for its repast. After couple of drinks, I will exchange a knowingly smile with the owner then leave. We aren't ordinary persons, do we?
Say no to mediocrity, and the world will be brighter because of you.
Retiredbum notes: Mainland urges her young generation decline mediocrity while Taiwan encourges our kids pursue "little but positive happiness". Then you'll see the difference. |
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