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2024/11/02 09:05:56瀏覽217|回應0|推薦12

I read a book concerning modern China these days, in which a chapter mentioned four "capitalists" and what they had done to the poor and lagging China. They were 張謇, 范旭東, 盧作孚, and 陳嘉庚. 

They were all entrepreneurs, not "capitalists", or the capitalists without money. Throughout their lives, they had done nothing to do with robber barons; instead, they were all great virtuous men devoting themselves to helping boost Chinese national industry in its incipient stage. Please google to find their biographies if you are interested in their deeds. 

What they did is the essence of the so-called "Charactistical Chinese Socialism". Stick to it, Mainland China.

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