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2014/02/22 09:43:53瀏覽444|回應2|推薦3 | |
(下面是他的話,他的人生哲理.) 1.我敬佩兩種人: 年輕時陪男人過苦日子的女人; 富裕時陪女人過好日子的男人。 I admire two kinds of people: a young woman who stands by her husband when they are in reduced circumstances; a rich man who still loves his wife when they are in clover. 2.我遠離兩種人: 遇到好事就伸手的人; 碰到難處就躲閃的人。 I evade two kinds of people: one who scrambles for profit anytime; one who shirks difficulty anytime. 3.我掛念兩種人: 相濡以沫的愛人; 肝膽相照的朋友。 I give my concerns to two kinds of people: lovers fully support each other; friends wholeheartedly trust each other. 4.我謝絕兩種人: 做事不道義的人; 處事無誠意的人。 I stay away from two kinds of people: the ones with unethical conduct; the ones without good faith. 5.我負責兩種人: 生我的人; 我生的人。 I am responsible for two kinds of people: the ones who give birth to me; the ones whom I give birth to. 6.我珍惜兩種人: 敢借給我錢的人; 真心牽掛我的人! I cherish two kinds of people: the ones who are willing to lend me money; the ones who really think about me! |
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