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2017/09/22 13:31:03瀏覽415|回應0|推薦6

Report said some "gods" and "goddesses" of Sun Flowers Movement had got involved into different types of scandals, such as sexual harassment, prostitution, two-timer, fraud, and so forth.  Similar to our attitude towards Taidu politicians, what else we could expect those "celebrities" to do if their "lofty goal" had been all just pie in the sky?  Like one of my erstwhile colleagues, a diehard Taidu advocate, once complained to me that KMT politicians could obtain any interests by simply chanting the slogans of " Long live President Chiang and Recover Mainland", now it is their opportunities to do the same, as to grab for undue interests from people of Taiwan.

But today I am going to think differently on the impact of the movement, from the viewpoint of economy.  The service pact and the freight pact that those wet-behind-the-ears green guards obstructed in legislature could foresee no timetable slated to resume discussing any more.  Such a dilemma may not be a bad thing to either Mainland or Taiwan.  China's Mainland could stop "transfusing blood" to Taiwan and use that kind of money to ameliorate what she is still lagging behind, e.g. a better  medical insurance nationwide.  For Taiwan, being without the "subsidy" from Mainland, it could take this disadvange as a turning point to complete economy upgrading in its own right.  (I hope so.) 

Well, Wonky Cai and a band of DPP political loafers, please show what you've got and don't let us down. 

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