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2017/08/26 16:31:06瀏覽289|回應0|推薦5

Recently Cai administration made an attempt to curtail the percentage of Chinese classics in high school's syllabus.  Please refer to following report "数典忘祖?台湾课纲删减中国古文加入日本古文" at http://www.guancha.cn/local/2017_08_24_424324.shtml.

Cai administration's brazen misdeed against Chinese traditional literature was totally unacceptable, and so inspired me to write "試譯: 蘇軾"留侯論" yesterday.  You know, the future of Taiwan has never hinged upon islanders' will; instead, it is the outcome of the keen competition between China and America.  President Xi and dear Mainlanders, please bide your time patiently, and do learn something from the overtone of "留侯論", and take Zhang Liang as your model to copy! 


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