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2017/08/05 15:50:42瀏覽1118|回應3|推薦27 | |
此行印象最深刻的一幕發生在為那位年輕農夫會診的時候,當他拿下口罩的那一刻,好像歌劇裡的魅影卸下面具,顏面潰爛令人心驚,現場幾個人個子都比他高大,年齡加起來可能超過300歲,說著小夥子聽不懂的語言,他瞪著通紅的大眼,似乎一生的指望全孤注一擲在這些陌生人身上。 領隊D受醫生託付當場聯絡河畔醫院的專科大夫,電話裡我聽到他重複問:「送農民上大醫院就診,要花上將近一萬元人民幣?」誰來買單?他越講頭越低,好似載不動許多愁的蚱蜢舟,最後他抬起頭,堅定的眼神依然叫我安慰小夥子,當天會派車送他去醫院。 昨晚接到D的電郵,特別提及那小夥子,我讀完全文,想想自己用這小格子隨筆寫點個人見聞,沒什麼濟世大志,只是這件事我正巧全場參與,又寫下前文醫療隊,好像非寫續集無以告天!連夜徵得D的同意,將原文翻譯如後,且看這風起雲湧的網路世界能為大旱甘肅帶來多少雲霓? 藥房團隊 Dear Medical Team, 親愛的醫療隊隊員, Thank you for coming to serve with us in the Gansu Province for our July 2017 Medical Team. Our Medical project together was a Great Success! We had a wonderful team, and wonderful time together. You are truly a great team! You served well and brought healing and blessing to many! 謝謝您到甘肅來參與我們2017年七月的醫療隊,這次義診非常成功!團隊卓越,合作愉快,許多人病得醫治,並因您蒙福! In case some of you have not seen the patient count yet, I have attached the spreadsheet showing the number of patients we saw, by village. Our ICARE staff has already begun following up with patients we saw during the clinic, to help address more significant and personal needs. 如果您還不曉得整體病患總數,我附上各村看診病患人數,ICARE工作人員已經開始就醫後續追蹤,協助處理較嚴重的個別案例。(新原815,白草929,土木536,眼科手術120,總計2400人) As you may recall, on the day of departure, we brought a patient from one of the villages back to Lanzhou to admit him into the hospital due to complications from uncontrolled Lupus. We sponsored his care (approximately 10,000 RMB) and he was discharged from the hospital last week. After a week of drug therapy for stabilization, he is significantly better, and he was discharged with a daily course of medicines. 您可能記得在離別那一天,我們帶了一位村裡的病人回到蘭州,安排他住院診療因狼瘡未治引起的併發症,且負擔他的醫療費用(約一萬人民幣),經過一週藥物治療,他病情穩定,狀況大為起色,上週他出院了,可以回家按日服藥控制。 We continue to communicate with him and his family, and plan to see him again next month. I’ve attached before and after photos of the patient for your reference. 我們會繼續跟他一家人保持聯繫,並計畫下個月再去探望他,我附上他治療前和之後的照片供您參照。 旅程中我們提過:醫療隊是很花錢的,每位隊員我們只酌收直接成本,未添加任何其他費用,每一趟下來的物流、籌備等相關費用要花ICARE十萬多人民幣(大約一萬五美金)(這還不包括經常行政以及個人生活費用)。 In order for us to continue outreach trips like this together, we need to raise new funding support. Can you please work together with us to raise funds for ICARE? We welcome individual and corporate donors. It would be very helpful if we could find a donor who would be willing to sponsor the whole cost of our medical teams. But, any amount of donation is helpful and appreciated. Donations that you may personally offer are appreciated as well. 為了持續同樣的外展事工,我們需要新的籌款挹注,您是否能與我們一起為ICARE募款?歡迎個人或公司捐助,如果能找到一位來資助整個醫療隊的費用,自然很好,但不拘多寡,涓滴成河,任何善款都感激不盡。 I have attached a sample ICARE brochure that you are free to circulate among friends, and an instruction sheet entitled HOW TO DONATE TO ICARE. 附上ICARE簡介一份,您可以送與朋友分享,還有一份「如何捐款給ICARE」的說明。 Would you please help us in this endeavor, so we can continue teams like this one? 您可以助我們一臂之力,讓這樣的隊伍繼續下去好嗎? Again, thank you for your wonderful service to the villagers and to our team! 再次感謝您為村民和我們竭盡一己之力! Blessings, 祝福滿滿 ICARE簡介 我們是一個非營利的國際人道組織,致力於幫助人增進身心靈的福祉。 我們的異象是透過希望和愛,濟弱扶傾,服事老弱病童和鄰里,以促進社區轉化。 我們有一群來自世界各地的熱情志工,參與各項團隊,為本地的事工禱告奉獻…,每一位都精彩絕倫、重要無比! 盼望您加入我們的行列! 如何捐款給ICARE 在中國內陸的捐款: l 可利用WeChat或現金,請致電Aly 詢問詳情(+86-15352029585) l 直接電匯ICARE銀行帳號:104000013624. 辦公室地址:甘肅省蘭州市城關區鴻運潤園C6號樓2單元203室 郵編:730010 澳洲捐款:您可直接寄支票至我們澳洲辦事處,地址如下 ICARE Australia, Unit 21, 317-321 Woodpark Road, Smithfield NSW 2164 Australia (Tel: 61-2-9604-0670). 聯絡人:agenovese@au.derekprince.com 中國以外各國捐款:可電匯至我們設在澳洲的海外援款專戶 帳戶名:ICARE Australia Overseas Aid Fund 捐款至我們在美國USA 501(c)(3)的營運夥伴 您可直接捐款給ICARE在美國的合作夥伴BRIDGE TO THE NATIONS,他們是登記USA 501(c)(3)在案的免稅機構(免稅號:42-1623149),亦可到BRIDGE TO THE NATIONS官網www.bttn.us直接網上捐款給我們,寄支票也成,地址BRIDGE TO THE NATIONS, P.O. Box 1829, Wake Forest, NC 27588.
您願意動動手指分享傳遞,讓甘肅多一滴雲端來的滋潤嗎? |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |