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文章數:189 |
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心情隨筆|心情日記 2021/07/24 18:26:45 |
Live unburdened with Jesus Friday 23rd July 2021
Come to me and I will give you rest . Matthew 11:28 CEV
Jesus said: "If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light"(所有勞苦困乏、背負重擔的人啊,到我這裡來吧!我要賜給你們安息。 我心柔和謙卑,你們要負我的軛,向我學習,這樣你們的心靈必得享安息。 因為我的軛容易負,我的擔子很輕省。)(Matthew 11:28-30 CEV). Note the words, "This burden is light (我的擔子很輕省)." It’s good to know we don’t have to worry about things, figure everything out(樣樣弄明白) or carry the burdens in our lives. It can actually be quite refreshing (很爽) to realise that we don’t need to know everything about everything(不需要樣樣都一清二楚)! We need to get comfortable saying(坦然說), I don’t know the answer to this predicament(脫困妙方), and I’m not going to worry about it because God’s in charge, and I trust him. I’m going to relax in him and live unburdened(不帶包袱、靠祂輕鬆過活)! When we’re overburdened with the cares of life - struggling, labouring and worrying(掙扎勞苦愁煩如泰山壓頂) - we need a mental and emotional break(心情需舒解). Our minds need to rest from thinking about resolving problems(心要安息,不再窮思解圍), and our emotions need to rest from being upset(情要舒緩,不再煩躁不安). Worry robs us of rest and its benefits(愁緒奪人安息,擾人不寧)! So the next time you find yourself worried and anxious, remember, you can live unburdened. All you have to do is rest in the assurance of Gods love, provision and guidance(安穩歇息在神的愛中,確信祂必引導預備). If someone asks you what you’re going to do about your problem, tell them you’re not thinking about it right now(這會兒不想那麼多了). If they ask you why, tell them you’ve turned it over (交托)to Jesus, and you’re trusting him to work it out for you(相信他會為你解決). 原文:The Word for Today 原圖:Feifei |
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