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Matt Roy 來自美國的一位雖然只有十六歲但具備職業水準的吉他樂手
2012/04/19 03:42:04瀏覽96|回應0|推薦4

他今年只有十六歲,但是,聽他演唱的歌聲,會不相信.不過,當你看了他提供的資料,才知道,他曾經在 B.B.King 樂團裡待過.這樣一來,就沒話說了.這也讓我想到另一位美國的歌手Grant Austin Taylor ,(他今年只有十四歲,八歲時就在B.B.King樂團裡待過,同時,他的歌聲和他的年齡,實在無法連在一起.)我對這兩位歌手的歌聲,都很欣賞,所以向大家推薦.

Matt,16,started playing guitar and singing at age 8. Highlights include playing at BB King's, the Blender Theatre, and the Highline Ballroom in NYC...opening for the Dropkick Murphy's, Paul Rodgers, Fab Faux, and Grand Funk Railroad...and performing multiple shows with rock legend Leslie West. In the last year, Matt has turned his attention to writing and performing his own material and is currently recording many new tracks.

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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