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close to you 接近你
2024/06/08 04:00:21瀏覽231|回應0|推薦12

木匠兄妹合唱團(Carpenters)是美國歌星理查·卡本特(Richard Carpenter)和凱倫·卡本特(Karen Anne Carpenter)兄妹二人組成的演唱組合,1970年代和1980年代初期風靡一時.

在華語地區他們演唱的 Yesterday Once More (昨日重現),Top of the World (世界之巔),Please Mr. Postman (請等一下,郵差先生)等歌曲廣為人知.

Yesterday Once More 昨日重現

Top of the World 世界之巔

Please Mr. Postman 請等一下,郵差先生

close to you 接近你

close to you  lyrics

Close to you Karaoke

Why do birds suddenly appear 為什麼鳥兒突然出現

Every time you are near? 每次都在你附近?

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you 接近你的

Why do stars fall down from the sky 為什麼星星會從天上掉下來

Every time you walk by? 每次經過嗎?

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you 接近你的

On the day that you were born the angels got together 


And decided to create a dream come true 並決定創造夢想成真

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 所以他們把月塵灑在你的金髮上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 和你藍色眼睛裡的星光

That is why all the girls in town 這就是為什麼城裡所有的女孩

Follow you all around 到處跟著你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you 接近你的

On the day that you were born the angels got together 


And decided to create a dream come true 並決定創造夢想成真

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 所以他們把月塵灑在你的金髮上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 和你藍色眼睛裡的星光

That is why all the girls in town 這就是為什麼城裡所有的女孩

Follow you all around 到處跟著你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you 接近你的

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you 接近你的

Wa, close to you 哇,離你很近

Wa, close to you 哇,離你很近

Ha, close to you 哈,離你很近

La, close to you 拉,離你很近


不過,我更喜歡Harry Connick Jr.的爵士唱腔版本.

小哈里·康尼克 (Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Jr.),出生於紐奧良,美國爵士樂音樂家,演員.

close to you  Harry Connick Jr.

這是菲律賓歌手,依照 Harry Connick Jr.的版本的演唱.

Why do birds suddenly appear 為什麼鳥兒突然出現

Every time you are near? 每次都在你附近?

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you. 接近你的。

Why do stars fall down from the sky 為什麼星星會從天上掉下來

Every time you walk by? 每次經過嗎?

Just like me, they long to be 每次經過嗎?

Close to you. 接近你的。

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

The angels got together 天使們齊聚一堂

And decided to create a dream come true 並決定創造夢想成真

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold


And starlight in your eyes of blue. 還有你藍色眼睛裡的星光。

That is why all the boys in town 這就是為什麼城裡所有的男孩

Follow you all around. 到處跟著你。

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you. 接近你的。

Well, on the day that you were born 那麼,在你出生的那天

The angels got together 天使們齊聚一堂

And decided to create a dream come true 並決定創造夢想成真

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold


And starlight in your eyes of blue 和你藍色眼睛裡的星光

Yeah, that is why all the boys in town


Follow you all around. 到處跟著你。

Well, just like me, they long to be 嗯,就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you. 接近你的。

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一樣,他們渴望成為

Close to you. 接近你的。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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