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Cheek to cheek 貼著臉
2024/05/26 04:01:12瀏覽290|回應0|推薦17

Cheek to Cheek 是歐文·柏林 (Irving Berlin)在 1934-35 年創作的一首歌曲,專門為他的新音樂劇明星弗雷德·阿斯泰爾 (Fred Astaire)創作.這部電影是Top Hat(禮帽) ,由金傑·羅傑斯(Ginger Rogers)共同主演.在電影中,阿斯泰爾在跳舞時向羅傑斯唱這首歌.

這首歌也出現在The English Patient(英倫情人),

The Green Mile(綠色奇蹟)的配樂中.

cheek to cheek  jazz   Diana Krall

cheek to cheek  Ella fitzgerald & Louis armstrong

Cheek To Cheek  Frank Sinatra

Heaven 天堂

Im in heaven 我在天堂

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak 我的心跳得讓我幾乎無法說話

And I seem to find the happiness I seek 我似乎找到了我所尋求的幸福

When were out together dancing cheek to cheek 當我們一起出去貼著臉跳舞時

Heaven 天堂

Im in heaven 我在天堂

And the cares that hung around me through the week 以及這一週圍繞著我的憂慮

Seem to vanish like a gamblers lucky streak 似乎像賭徒的好運一樣消失

When were out together dancing cheek to cheek 當我們一起出去貼著臉跳舞時

Oh, I love to climb a mountain 哦,我喜歡爬山

And to reach the highest peak 並達到最高峰

But it doesnt boot me half as much 但它並沒有帶給我一半的幫助

As dancing cheek to cheek 就像貼著臉跳舞一樣

Oh, I love to go out fishing 哦,我喜歡出去釣魚

In a river, or a creek 在河裡,或小溪里

But I dont enjoy it half as much 但我卻沒有那麼享受

As dancing cheek to cheek 就像貼著臉跳舞一樣

Dance with me 和我一起跳舞

I want my arm about you 我想要用我的手臂擁抱你

That charm about you 你身上那種魅力

Will carry me through to 將帶我穿越到

Heaven 天堂

Im in heaven 我在天堂

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak 我的心跳得讓我幾乎無法說話

And I seem to find that happiness I seek 我似乎找到了我所尋求的幸福

When were out together swinging cheek to cheek 當我們一起出去時貼著臉搖擺

Come on and dance with me 來和我一起跳舞吧

I want my arm about you 我想要用我的手臂擁抱你

That charm about you 你身上那種魅力

It will carry me through 它會帶我度過

Right up to 一直到

Heaven 天堂

Im in heaven 我在天堂

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak 我的心跳得讓我幾乎無法說話

And I seem to find that happiness I seek 我似乎找到了我所尋求的幸福

When were out together dancing 當我們一起出去跳舞時

Out together dancing 一起出去跳舞

Out together dancing cheek to cheek! 一起出去貼著臉跳舞!

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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