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2008/03/29 06:21:45瀏覽448|回應0|推薦8 | |
人民之所以飢餓,是因為在上位的統治者設立過多的稅收,因此人民餓了肚子;人民之所以難以治理,是因為在上位的統治者設立太多機制,因此人民變得難管;人民之所以鋌而走險,是因為在上位的人只強調自己的生存,因此人民才輕忽死亡。所以,那些不在乎自己生命的人,比起那些只重視自己生命的人來得賢德得多;老子這麼說著。 其實,人民只想要一碗飽肚的飯、一張無憂的床,和,一份能讓自己開始在乎生命的工作。 老子《道德經》〈德經〉第七十五章 民之飢,以其上食稅之多,是以飢。 Chapter 75, Tao Te Ching People get hungry 'cause the higher-ups levy multiple taxes; it causes the hunger. People get difficult to be governed 'cause the higher-ups set complex mechanisms; it causes the difficulty. People risk their life 'cause the higher-ups absurdly ask for their own; it cause the risk of dying. So those who don't care for their own life are more virtuous than those who value their own. |
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