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2017/09/03 02:02:25瀏覽2037|回應7|推薦125 | |
Schematic illustration of Earth's magnetic field.
引用文:集思廣益:太陽可以從西方昇起!(改寫) https://city.udn.com/3309/5701617?raid=5702370#rep5702370 出處:[浪漫的南美風情城市]九月份主題「來說成語」 https://city.udn.com/3309/5701617?tpno=0&cate_no=0
集思廣益:面對一個問題,每個人自己所能思考的範圍有限,如果集合一群人共同思維, Brain Storming 的結果可開展大家的知見,共享成果。
大異人的科學「常識」還算豐富,但出自主觀意識的「死腦筋」只冒出來一個意念:讓月球誕生的行星撞擊,都不能使地球的地軸反著轉,如果力量大到使地軸反著轉,地表的動、植、一切生物必遭大滅絕…… 那麼,大家就得去到天堂或極樂世界再見了!
如果~~地球反著轉 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/108381453
1樓. 深思者 2017/08/17 11:27 方向是人訂的,怎麼轉,只是雨下的地方不一樣。
回覆: 果然是深思者!把東和西的定義反調一下就成了!不過地球還是玩它自己的,哈哈哈。
如果~~東方朔說:太陽從北方昇起!你相信嗎? http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/108378349
1樓. 文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢 2017/08/16 09:02 所謂的東南西北的方位,既然是人訂的,如果有人以不同的名稱定義這些方位,那麼太陽從「北方」升起也不能說不對。反正再怎麼便,太陽還是會從原本的方位升起降落。 好比這「指鹿為馬」,如果不看歷史故事,若某人從小就被教導這種動物的名稱是馬,那麼他長大後便也認定該動物是馬,不會是鹿。
回覆: 正如君言!閣主即為自幼被「日出東方」洗腦者,中年方「後知後覺」地「悟道」,哈哈哈………… 本文旨在提供週三娛樂,不在「懸疑」,故不再賣關子,請看:太陽從北方昇起 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/81415509
一把尺 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/81291892
2樓. 瞎摸 (或?) 著象 2017/08/18 10:57 哦 ? ! 世上 常有 完全相反的理論﹐ 都對。 例如﹐乘噴射客機﹐妳說往東﹐他說往西﹐豈不是180° 完全相反, 可 都能到達 美國 (殊途同歸﹐〝條條大路通羅馬〞)。 哈﹐地球是圓的 ? http://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/267010 宇宙 或 也是圓的 ? (艾因斯坦: 光綫会因重力弯曲)
Lansing 2017/08/18:「如果….」--拉拉手吧? http://blog.udn.com/genglansing/105162362 87F回覆之回覆: Sunrise in the WEST: Scientists warn North could be South as Earth’s magnetic poles switch. (註:本引用文網址因鎖右鍵,不能複製,請自行往閱上附網址。)
附錄另一網址供參考: NASA 2012: Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All The (Geologic) Time https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012-poleReversal.html Credits: Peter Reid, The University of Edinburgh
Scientists understand that Earth's magnetic field has flipped its polarity many times over the millennia. In other words, if you were alive about 800,000 years ago, and facing what we call north with a magnetic compass in your hand, the needle would point to 'south.' This is because a magnetic compass is calibrated based on Earth's poles. The N-S markings of a compass would be 180 degrees wrong if the polarity of today's magnetic field were reversed. Many doomsday theorists have tried to take this natural geological occurrence and suggest it could lead to Earth's destruction. But would there be any dramatic effects? The answer, from the geologic and fossil records we have from hundreds of past magnetic polarity reversals, seems to be 'no.'
Reversals are the rule, not the exception. Earth has settled in the last 20 million years into a pattern of a pole reversal about every 200,000 to 300,000 years, although it has been more than twice that long since the last reversal. A reversal happens over hundreds or thousands of years, and it is not exactly a clean back flip. Magnetic fields morph and push and pull at one another, with multiple poles emerging at odd latitudes throughout the process. Scientists estimate reversals have happened at least hundreds of times over the past three billion years. And while reversals have happened more frequently in "recent" years, when dinosaurs walked Earth a reversal was more likely to happen only about every one million years.
參考文: Why does the Sun rise in the East and set in the West? https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-Sun-rise-in-the-East-and-set-in-the-West Can it rise in the West though? Does it happen on any planets?
Yes it does! Venus(金星)and Uranus(天王星)spin from East to West, so the Sun rises in the West. They are the only two planets the spin the opposite way. They’re cool like that.
Oh! But why are they special?
We still haven’t figured that out yet. But there are some theories. Venus(金星) is thought to have been spinning like the rest of them in the beginning, but may have slowly switched direction due to the massive storms on it surface. Venus doesn’t even rotate that fast anyways. In fact, one Venus day (254 Earth days) is longer than one Venus year (224 Earth days).
When it comes to Uranus(天王星), it’s spin is almost perpendicular to the way the rest of the planets spin. We suspect that something big has hit Uranus really hard on it’s head and ever since, Uranus has been rolling along on it’s path around the Sun. ………………………………………
有位好友留言後,又自行刪除,不過他的觀點頗有見地,謹慨述如下: 如果在北緯 66 度以上,以超音速噴射機逆向飛行,當飛航速度超過地球自轉速度時,可見太陽從西方昇起。 .........................................................................................
北緯 66.5 度以上為北極圈,如果在日出時分,沿著它的外圍以「等音速」向西飛,大約半天多之後就可以看到太陽從西方昇起了。如果以「倍音速」向西飛,大約只需五小時即可。
當然,在「零緯度」的赤道上,地球以大約 1,667 km/h 的速度自轉,大於音速的 1,236 km/h,飛行器就得以超過 1,700 km/h或更高很多的速度朝西飛才行。
更有趣的是另一個極端,90 度的「北極點」。在那裡,羅盤上的磁針會直立起來,表示「東西南北的地圖方向」都不存在了。人站在「北極點」上隨便轉個圓圈,地球就得花 24 小時才追得上,而且你要太陽從那個方向出來,都是你說了算。但吊詭的「時間」仍然往前去,即使你逆向轉上一百圈,以為地球會「還給你」100天,也是痴心妄想 ~~ 所以 Superman以極速逆向飛行,回到 Lois Lang 被壓死之前的一分鐘去救她的電影情節,看一看,「感動」一下就好了,千萬別當真
Whoo! 「集思廣益」,「死腦筋」終於變活了些,哈哈哈………… 感謝好友們的回饋!
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