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聖經查經雜記( 三)
2020/04/22 01:14:47瀏覽102|回應0|推薦0
這翻譯乃是引用於公元1611年國王詹姆斯欽定本, 翻譯者給讀者原始序言之段落。公元1611年, 英國仍然使用古英語寫作, 但是希望您可以閱讀並理解, 獲得益處。為了使翻譯順暢, 有一些添加或可能不那麼忠實於原稿, 如果有任何錯誤見諒之!

1604年1月,英國詹姆士國王(King James)召開了漢普頓法院會議(Hampton Court Conference)。這個非常重要的會議, 乃是為了因應對英格蘭教會的一個清教徒(Puritians)教派的憂慮, 他們認為較早期的聖經(指1636年的the Great Bible)翻譯譯文多有缺陷。這個會議就是要為教會構思一新的英語聖經版本, 它必須非常忠實於希伯來文的舊約, 和希臘文的新約, 並逐字翻譯。

詹姆斯國王為翻譯的神學家們提供了指示,旨在確保新版本符合英格蘭教會的教理(ecclesiology)並反映英格蘭教會的主教結構及其對耶穌基督忠實的信仰。聖經翻譯的工作由六個小組完成, 總共有47名譯員,其中大多數是英格蘭的主要聖經學者,他們的工作分為兩部分:舊約被委派給三個小組,新約被委派給兩個小組,偽經(Apocrypha)一個小組。

(Quote from King James Version 1611, Original preface, The translators to the readers )

But how shall men meditate in that, which they cannot understand? How shall they understand that which is kept close in an unknowen tongue? as it is written, Except I know the power of the voyce, I shall be to him that speaketh, a Barbarian, and he that speaketh, shalbe a Barbarian to me. The Apostle excepteth no tongue, not Hebrewe the ancientest, not Greeke the most copious, not Latine the finest.
但是人們應該如何思想那些他們無法理解的(聖經)呢?他們將如何理解那些不為人知的方言中又閉口不談的一切呢?正如所寫的,我除了知道(方言)聲音的力量之外,我將是他說方言的對象,一個化外人; 而他說話,對我來說他也是一個蠻族人。(成為)使徒除了沒有方言,(他)不會擁有最古老的希伯來文,沒有最博學的希臘文,也未必會有最好的拉丁文。

Nature taught a naturall man to confesse, that all of us in those tongues which wee doe not understand, are plainely deafe; wee may turne the deafe eare unto them. The Scythian counted the Athenian, whom he did not understand, barbarous: so the Romane did the Syrian, and the Jew, (even S.
Jerome himselfe calleth the Hebrew tongue barbarous, belike because it was strange to so many) so the Emperour of Constantinople calleth the Latine tongue, barbarous, though Pope Nicolas do storme at it: so the Jewes long before Christ, called all other nations, Lognazim, which is little better then barbarous.
(人的)本性教導撲質的人坦白。(倘若)我們所有人用我們不懂的那些方言, 我們顯然就像個聾子;我們可能會以聾子的耳朵對著那些講方言的人們。 西亞賽人(the Scythian)算是雅典人(the Athenian), 然而他們卻不懂得雅典話, (對他們而言)那是個野蠻話。 羅馬人對敘利亞人和猶太人都如此(即使是杰羅姆(S. Jerome)本人也稱希伯來人的方言為野蠻話,因為這對很多人來說都是如此的陌生。因此(羅馬)康士坦丁大帝稱拉丁語言為野蠻話,(這引起了)尼古拉斯教皇(Pope Nicolas)對此表示猛烈的抨擊。因此,在基督之前的猶太人, 稱呼所有其他國家(的語言)為洛格納齊姆(Lognazim, which means to speak a foreign (incomprehensible) language, 講(難以理解)外國話),這個用詞比野蠻(barbarous)好得多了。

Therefore as one complaineth, that alwayes in the Senate of Rome, there was one or other that called for an interpreter: so lest the Church be driven to the like exigent, it is necessary to have translations in a readinesse. Translation it is that openeth the window, to let in the light; that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel; that putteth aside the curtaine, that we may looke into the most Holy place; that remooveth the cover of the well, that wee may come by the water, even as Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, by which meanes the flockes of Laban were watered. Indeede without translation into the vulgar tongue, the unlearned are but like children at Jacobs well (which was deepe) without a bucket or some thing to draw with: or as that person mentioned by Esau, to whom when a sealed booke was delivered, with this motion, Reade this, I pray thee, hee was faine to make this answere, I cannot, for it is sealed.
因此,正如人們抱怨的那樣,在羅馬帝國的參議院, (無時無刻)總是有一個或另一個(參議員)需要翻譯員。為了避免教會面對類似翻譯的迫切需要,(教會)有必要做好翻譯的準備。翻譯是打開窗戶,讓光線進入;敲破外殼,我們可以吃掉(內核)的顆粒;啟開簾子,以便我們明察最神聖之地;就像雅各將石頭從井口滑開,也意味著拉班的羊群得以飲水。確實,(如果聖經)沒有翻譯成庸俗的話語,(那些)沒有知識的人就像孩子們面對著雅各深沉的水井,沒有水桶或其他東西可以啟水:或如同以掃所提到的那個人,當一本封閉的書本交給他時,提議(說),我請求你請念這個,(於是) "他很不情願做出答復(說),我不能念,因為它是密封的(以賽亞書 29:11)。"

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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