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2010/01/12 00:01:31瀏覽4958|回應45|推薦161 | ||||
↑八磅四盎司、長21 3/4英吋的little miss sunshine,出院回家的第一天。 親愛的女兒, 今天是妳的生日,是雙十年華的大日子,只是,爹地媽咪都沒法在旁幫你慶生,只有在這寫這一篇,祝妳~生日快樂!!!(開始讀這封信以前,先到文末點音樂, IF 是媽咪鍾愛的一首歌,送給妳,希望妳也喜愛!) My dear, Today is your birthday. Double-Ten is a Big Day in our Chinese tradition. Although daddy and mommy can't be there to celebrate your day, I prepare this letter for my girl. Thank you for being my daughter and ~Happy Birthday!!! (You may click the Youtube link at the end of the letter and enjoy one of mommy's favorite song "If") ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 20年前的今天,趕不上麻醉醫師給媽咪注射脊隨止痛針,妳迫不及待在午前報到。正如今日寒冬難得一見的暖陽,就在這個日子,姐姐添了個玩伴(和鬥嘴伴)、家中從此添了個燦爛的小太陽。 Twenty years ago, you arrived in a hurry even before anesthesiologist to give me an Epidural to stop my labor pain. I still remember it was a sun shining winter day like today. From the time of your arrival, your sis has a playmate and our family welcome our miss litte sunshine. 不像妳姐姐每天晨起哭鬧耍嬌的「起床氣」,記憶中的妳,少聽到妳的哭聲,會走路後,和太陽一樣早起的妳,要不靜悄悄自葛兒玩耍,要不搖搖擺擺晃到媽咪床邊,笑瞇瞇給媽咪一個大大的擁抱;稍長幾歲,當全家人還賴在床上時,只要聽到叮叮咚咚的琴聲,我就知道~我們家的Little miss Sunshine起床了! Not like your older sister's grumpiness, you're always a sweet and happy baby girl. An early bird like you, you woke up as soon as you peek the first sunbeam. If not playing quietly in your room, you will venture your way to mommy and give me a big morning kiss plus a hug. When you're tall enough to reach piano, we frequently were woken up by the music made by you. 迫不及待下凡塵的妳,成長之路到處都留下妳迫不及待的痕跡.....姐姐上學,盼著能跟去的,是妳;姐姐學鋼琴,比她更火熱的,是妳;上了小學盼著升初中,初中暑假上了音樂營,跟著大學生的輔導員團團轉,回家後就一心想直升大學音樂院的,也是妳。 Looking back, you're always in a hurry to grow up.....You can't wait to go to school like your sis; When sis taking piano lesson, you can't wait to exceed her, both musically and technically; After your first IIYM summer camp, you came home holding a bigger dream~You wish to study at conservatory NOW! 16歳是母女PK的開始,一及齡能開車上路,妳迫不及待拿駕照宣布「主權獨立」;談戀愛也早妳姐、妳妹一大步,媽咪一路看妳搶搭戀愛雲霄飛車,一下高速上衝、沒多久快速跌下,、、、,就這樣一路的追趕跑跳碰,那曾被媽咪捏在手心把玩的小甜心,沒一會兒就成了獨當一面、經磨耐撞的大姑娘。 Your sweet 16 was a tough year for mommy and daddy. You like to challenge "authority" You can't wait to get your driving license, can't wait to date, can't wait to graduate from high school,can't wait to dye your hair or have cell phone..... ,I don't remember how it happen. My once-a-little-girl-with-pony-tail, now turn into a beautiful, confident young lady. 三姊妹中,屬妳最貼心、最具創意,甜水窩的甜蜜時光,如今仔細回想,都由妳串織而成。妹妹的幾次生日派對,由妳起意、策劃、導演,還記得13歳的那場,被妹妹的好友們封為「最難忘的生日派對」,有這樣的姐,讓小妹的一缸子好同學羨慕要死;妳會錄製妳彈奏的鋼琴音樂CD、附上問安的小卡片,讓媽咪給帶回台灣給病榻前的外公;妳的高三獨奏會,全家五口幕前幕後總動員不說,還堅持自組小樂團,把一干好友一起拉來「共襄盛舉」;剛剛過去的聖誕節,我們和阿姨兩家一起到老人院報佳音,沒人吩咐,妳幫著準備曲譜,自己挑起指揮任務、分派聲部,指揮若定;才過完年,妳已催逼著媽咪~爹地的51大壽快到了,要設法給daddy一個Surprised Party! Like jelly in the middle of sandwich, you're the sweetest one among three. You're the one who initiates party, concert, holiday celebrations.... Your meimei's 13th B-Day party, the homemade wish-you-well card to Grandpa, your junior recital, preparing caroling with family members, You're the expert of making memory. Mommy is always amazed by your energy and creativity.I'm such a laid-back mom. Thanks to my girl~ you always inspire me to embrace life and to live like there's no tomorrow. 妳熱力四射、勇於探索,也許媽咪早有預感,給妳取個「樂於平凡」的中文名,不料仍是枉然!妳的血液有著不甘平凡、追求卓越的因子,被鋼琴老師捧為珍寶細心栽培後,媽咪只有被迫領著妳跑遍大城小鎮,領略這個移民之國不同的風土人情。母女南北征戰音樂賽場,妳打前鋒、我居後衛,打完仗後,母女倆探險、嘗新,咱母女倆曾在賓州伊麗莎白小鎮吃到這輩子最香Q有勁的義大利肉醬麵、西雅圖市區閑逛,不小心就逛進水手隊球季展開的首場棒球賽(還親眼目睹鈴木一朗發揮強打神威)、在洛杉磯被Charles叔叔帶去吃正宗韓式烤肉(吃完一餐,一夥人也被煙燻地半熟了!)、到田納西住進宛如一小市鎮的Gaylord大旅館、、、,苦中作樂,點點滴滴都存在媽咪記憶抽屜中,不時抓出咀嚼回味一番 ! "Happy to be normal!" is the meaning of your chinese name YiFan. I didn't expect you'll grow to be a totally opposite type of person who is always looking for excellence, taking on challenges and enjoying an adventurous life. Thanks to your "difference", mommy had the previlege to accompany you traveling many interesting towns. Big or small, you will lead me to explore a new restaurant, watch a ballgame, trying a new dish,..... We're a good team. You fought like a warrior on the frontline as mom playing a cheerleading/supplying role. 去年的今天,妳難得一次在家過生日,却沒料到生日前一天突然降臨的一個壞消息,讓這場生日派對籠罩烏雲;過去一年,揪著心陪著妳面對、走過人生第一場風暴,媽咪爹地心有不捨,卻也為妳的樂觀堅毅感到驕傲。 更可喜可賀的是~母女倆風雨洗禮後結伴受浸、同一刻決志信主,聖經約伯記「我風聞有你,現在親眼看見你」不再只是一節經文,而是母女兩歷經苦難認識上帝的深刻領悟。 Looking back the past 19 years of your life, last year definetely was a most bumpy one. Glad you went through the storm safely. Physically, you may not be as strong as before. Spiritually, I feel so blessed that you found HIM and handed your life to HIM from now on. 今天,妳總算可擺脫Teenager這個惱人的名稱,也正式向19歲的磨難道別。20歲是人生重要的一個分水嶺,從自我探索邁向獨立、自我肯定之路,仍有險阻、崎嶇,媽咪除了祝福妳主恩光照,還是同一句話要送給我的小太陽~ Congratulation! From today, you'll say goodbye to the annoying term "teenager". You will see and meet different trials in your 20s. Remember, you're not alone and will be blessed as usual. Last but not least, the same words to my little sunshine on this special day. Wherever You Go, 無論妳到何處, No Matter What the Weather,也許前有風雨, Always, 別忘了~ Bring Your Own Sunshine! 帶著妳的陽光同行! When my love for life is running dry, You come and pour yourself on me..... A song for You ![]() ↑好動不安分的妳,才剛會爬,就喜歡和姐到Lake Forest Mall的中心廣場找樂子。 ↑一歲生日在台灣過,這是妳的兩歲生日蛋糕。 ↑愛彈琴的妳,一路走來,始終如一。 ↑佛州迪斯尼世界、海洋世界之旅,剛滿五歲的妳不巧在出發前摔斷手,手術後上了石膏,還是跟著一大群表姊妹上山下海,一點也不掃興。 ↑妳是妹妹的好姐姐、永遠的偶像。 ↑2000年的學生照,一晃,又十年。 ↑2003年遊夏威夷島國家火山公園的三姊妹。 ↑姊妹在Richmond的VCU同時拿下維州分齡鋼琴比賽12歲組、7/8歳組冠軍,和鋼琴老師留下這難忘的一刻。 ↑Daddy的小冤家+親密愛人。 ↑參加西雅圖舉行的MTNA全國鋼琴大賽,在會場Convention Center。前一年在堪薩斯市鎩羽而歸,捲土重來,這次贏得全國第三名。 ↑在夏令營IIYM演奏會上留影。(圖由IIYM提供) ↑2007年在南卡一個全國大獎賽上贏得首獎。 ↑和高中合唱團一起赴舊金山旅遊、演出。加州陽光也許溫暖,却刺眼得很! ↑宜蘭老爺飯店慶祝外公外婆金婚,愛搞怪的妳,自然不會錯過機會。 ↑安納波里斯市一日遊,飽餐後在却司比克灣留下妳的招牌標誌。 ↑難忘的畢業舞會,HOT!!!(不是妳,是當天熱到斃的天氣)。 ↑畢業了!!!值得慶賀的一刻。 ↑大學盡情玩音樂,妳還欠媽咪這場鋼琴六重奏的錄音帶。 ↑高中形影不離的四劍客,上週在女兒紐約小窩聚首reunion *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |