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2011/12/06 10:32:57瀏覽843|回應16|推薦96 | |
茶水碧綠 山坡的暖風 沿著杯緣 徐徐而來 又徐徐而去 一只茶杯 盛載著山泉對茶香的穿越 帶來夏日的午後 滾燙 濃馥 片刻沉默 被舌尖抵在上顎的歲月 漸漸地 由苦澀轉為甘甜 生活總是有它自己的方向 品茶之味 悟茶之道 舉一杯香茗 掬一口清香 和著淡淡的心情 行走著淡淡的從容 夏日的午後 一杯熱茶面對山坡 圓圓的香氣煙上 茶葉們 沉也愜意 浮也愜意 一杯茶 一隻筆 杯中歲月悠悠 把愜意浮沉的日子 泡到底 英譯全文 Tea in teal Slow wind of hill Frolics on the cup edge, to and away The cup carries the mountain spring to the tea fragrant traversing adding to the Summer afternoon Boiling, rich, momentary silence
Its ages caught on the tongue A subtle change from bitter to sweet Life always has a mind of its own To taste the tea, divine its way Raise a cup of aroma Take a sip of fragrance With a quaint mood Walk on in thorough tranquility
A Summer afternoon Facing the mountains with a cup of hot tea Billowing loops of pleasant smoke the leaves are pleased to either float or sink A cup of tea, a pen, a leisurely lifestyle Soak it through - these lovely days
( 心情隨筆|愛戀物語 ) |