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The Bunny The Bear -Path路徑
2011/12/02 20:59:23瀏覽84|回應0|推薦0

The Bunny The Bear -Path路徑

She cried "I'd die for you"她哭了,“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me, she cried但是不值得信任我,她哭了
"I'd die for you"“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me但它不值得信任我

Don’t speak.. just watch as I'm falling不說話..只是觀看我掉落
No sleep... this cant be healthy都沒睡...這個不能健康
I’ve seen.. more than need be我見過...多於必要
Don’t breath....不要呼吸....

My intentions to breath for you.我打算為你呼吸。
(I would never bend to break (我永遠不會彎曲折斷
In case you didn’t) know it's the truth如果你沒有)知道它的真相

My intentions to breath for you.我打算為你呼吸。
(I would never bend to break (我永遠不會彎曲折斷
In case you didn’t) know it's the truth如果你沒有)知道它的真相

You'll find your god, 你會發現你的神,
Draped in the fire披上火
You'll leave him there..你會離開他..
When there is nothing to find當沒有找到

You'll find your god, 你會發現你的神,
Draped in the fire披上火
You'll leave him there..你會離開他..
When there is nothing to find當沒有找到

She cried "I'd die for you"她哭了,“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me, she cried但是不值得信任我,她哭了
"I'd die for you"“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me但它不值得信任我

Don’t speak. 別說話。
your words are appalling.你的話是可怕的。
Believe. 相信。
but your stars are dead.但你的明星都死了。
Don’t weave 不編織
webs you cant handle你不能處理的網
Now see...現在看到...

(That I'm coming for you)(我為您而來)
I'm coming.我來了。
I'm coming down.我來到了。

She cried "I'd die for you""她哭了,“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me, she cried但是不值得信任我,她哭了
"I'd die for you"“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me , she cried (cry)但是不值得信任我,她哭了(哭泣)
"I'd die for you"“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me, she cried 但是不值得信任我,她哭了(to trust me, to trust me baby)(去相信我寶貝,去相信我寶貝)
"I'd die for you"“我為你而死”
But it isn’t worth it to trust me, she cried 但是不值得信任我,她哭了(to trust me, to trust me baby)(去相信我寶貝,去相信我寶貝)

Clear the trees.清除樹木。
Clear the trees.清除樹木。
You said you wouldn't think twice...你說你不會三思而後行......
You said you wouldn't think twice...你說你不會三思而後行......

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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