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The Bunny The Bear - April 11
2011/12/01 01:30:29瀏覽76|回應0|推薦1


The Bunny The Bear - April 11 "4月11日"

Such a perfect time to echo softly這樣一個完美的時間輕聲呼應
With blisters in my eyes she will never try to stop me隨著起水泡在我眼裡,她永遠不會試圖阻止我
(Laying on her side next to the silent smell of autumn trees)(在她身旁鋪設無聲氣味的秋天樹木)
She could never know, no, she will never look to me她可能永遠不會知道,沒有,她絕不會看我

Stolen. This baby screams "Somebody save me"被搶盜。這個寶貝尖叫“某人救我”

Well, I have a feeling that it's said and done好吧,我有一個感覺,說和做
And I never thought that they would ruin all my fun我從來沒有想到,他們會毀了我所有的樂趣
She looks at me as If I have no tongue to speak她看著我如果我沒有舌頭說話
But I know that in its twilight she will see但我知道,在暮色中,她將看到

All the rays will burn her eyes所有的光線會灼傷她的眼睛

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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