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The Bunny The Bear - Flying Like A Bird像鳥一樣飛行
2011/12/02 20:20:03瀏覽125|回應0|推薦0

Flying Like A Bird lyrics像鳥一樣飛行

Your touch, it's got me flying like a bird. (Why won't you say my name)你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行 你為什麼不說我的名字
Your touch, it's got me flying like a bird. (Why won't you say my name)你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行 你為什麼不說我的名字
Your touch, it's got me flying like a bird. (Why won't you say my name)你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行 你為什麼不說我的名字
Your touch, it's got me flying like a bird. (Why won't you say my name)你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行 你為什麼不說我的名字
Your touch, it's got me flying 你的觸摸讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行

got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me flying 讓我飛行
got me讓我

Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。
Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。

Wish you told me you were lonely, wish you told me you were all alone.希望你告訴我孤獨的,希望你告訴我所有的孤獨

She knows she'll never get out of here, she'll never get out.她知道她將永遠離開這裡她永遠出不來了。
She knows she'll never get out of here, she'll never get out.她知道她將永遠離開這裡她永遠出不來了。

Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
{ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/bunny-the-bear-lyrics/flying-like-a-bird-lyrics.html }
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。
Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。

Your touch it's got me flying like a bird...你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行...
"Let's get out of here"."讓我們離開這裡"
Your touch it's got me flying like a bird...你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行...
"Let's get out of here"."讓我們離開這裡"
Your touch it's got me flying like a bird...你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行...
"Let's get out of here"."讓我們離開這裡"
Your touch it's got me flying like a bird...你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行...
"Let's get out of here"."讓我們離開這裡
Your touch it's got me flying like a bird...你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行...
Your touch it's got me flying like a bird...你的觸摸讓我像鳥兒一樣飛行...

Wish you told me you were lonely, wish you told me you were all alone.希望你告訴我孤獨的,希望你告訴我所有的孤獨
Wish you told me you were lonely, wish you told me you were all alone.希望你告訴我孤獨的,希望你告訴我所有的孤獨

Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。
Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。
Caught on, on fire by your eyes,捕抓到你的眼睛著
with the lights on I'd never go outside.開我從來沒有到外面去。
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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