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Stratovarius - 4000 Rainy Nights
2011/04/14 00:58:31瀏覽379|回應0|推薦0

These empty days are filling me with pain這些空虛的日子痛苦填滿我
After I left it seems my life is only rain當我離開我的生活似乎只有雨
My heart is longing to the better times我的心是渴望更好的時代
When everything was still so fine當一切都還是那麼好

I wonder why it happens so fast我不知道它為什麼會發生這麼快
You give your heart away knowing it might not last你給你的心我知道這不會持續太久
I'm still here waiting for the rain to fall我仍然在這裡等待著雨水下降
And to see you once again並再一次見到你

4000 Rainy Nights4000雨夜
4000 Nights I'd be with you4000夜,我願與你同在
4000 Rainy Nights with you4000雨夜和你

I keep your memory in my heart我把你的記憶存在我心中
You give me hope when everything is so dark當一切都是那麼的黑暗你給我希望
That thing nobody can take away這事誰也不能帶走
Forever in me永遠在我

4000 Rainy... 4000雨...
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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