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2010/12/30 11:04:33瀏覽255|回應0|推薦2

Stratovarius-Polaris-Falling star

 騰雲合唱團 -北極星專輯-流星

Feel the night time growing nearer 覺得夜晚的時刻越來越接近了
From amidst the darkness I will start my flight 從夜晚中我開始了我的飛行
See the stars are shining clearer 看到星星閃耀又清晰
Turn around before you're blinded by the light 轉身之前你的光蒙蔽

I am made of burning flame, cast from coldest ice 我做的燃燒火焰,是從最寒冷的冰
There is nothing that can stop me 沒有什麼能阻止我

Now I ride above the sky, it cannot hold me back 現在我在駕馭上面的天空,它不能阻止我
I dive within the deepest darkest space 我潛入最深最黑暗的空間內
See I vanish in the light, you cannot find me there 看我消失在光明中,你不能找到我
No one can ever catch the falling star 沒有人能趕上流星

Feel the heat is growing stronger 感到內心日益增強
Everything that's in my way will be destroyed 這一切都在我的方式將被銷毀
See my journey's growing longer 看到我的旅程的越來越長
For eternity I'm doomed within the void 我注定永恆的虛無內

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/falling-star-lyrics-stratovarius.html ]

I am made of burning flame, cast from coldest ice 我做的燃燒火焰,是從最寒冷的冰
There is nothing that can stop me 沒有什麼能阻止我

Now I ride above the sky, It cannot hold me back 現在我在駕馭上面的天空,它不能阻止我
I dive within the deepest darkest space 我潛入最深最黑暗的空間內
See I vanish in the light, you cannot find me there 看我消失在光明中,你不能找到我
No one can ever catch the falling star 沒有人能趕上流星

Now I ride above the sky, It cannot hold me back 現在我在駕馭上面的天空,它不能阻止我
I dive within the deepest darkest space 我潛入最深最黑暗的空間內
See I vanish in the light, you cannot find me there 看我消失在光明中,你不能找到我
No one can ever catch the falling star 沒有人能趕上流星

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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