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Evanescence - Hello
2009/12/14 17:59:32瀏覽513|回應0|推薦0
Playground school bell rings again,遊樂場學校鈴響了,

Rain clouds come to play again,雨雲再次開始嬉戲,

Has no one told you she's not breathing?有沒有人告訴你,她沒有呼吸?

Hello, I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to,你好,我是你的心給你去跟某人聊天,


If I smile and don't believe,如果我微笑,且不要相信,

Soon I know I'll wake from this dream,不久,我知道我會從這個夢想之後,

Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken,不要嘗試修補我,我不會破裂,

Hello, I'm the lie, living for you so you can hide,你好,我是謊言,生活於你所以你可以隱藏,

Don′t cry...不要哭...

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping,突然,我知道我不睡覺,

Hello, I'm still here,您好,我仍然在這裡,

All that's left of yesterday...現在剩下的昨天...

Hello (continued)您好(繼續)

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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