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Breaking Benjamin - You fight me
2009/12/03 14:21:11瀏覽366|回應0|推薦1

"You Fight Me"“你打我” 

You fight me, flat on my lonely face I fell.你打我,斷然地在我的寂寞臉上使我跌倒了。 
Finding in the end I live well.尋找到最後我生活得很好。 
In light of the life that I have found,鑑於生活,我發現, 
It's coming down.它逐漸下降。 

I don't know what isn't real,我不知道這是不是真實的, 
But it's easy但也容易 
To beat me.打我。 
(Suck it in)(吸取這) 
Life is sink or swim.生命是自生自滅。 
Love is blinding, no surviving.愛是盲目的,沒有生存。 

I don't know what I want to be yet.我不知道我想要做沒做的事。 
But I can show that I need to see this.但我可以證明,我需要看到這一點。 
No time for lies and empty fights.沒有時間和謊言與空虛戰鬥。 

I'm on your side.我是站在你這一邊。 

Can we live a life of peace and happiness?難道我們生活在和平的生活和幸福? 
I don't think so.我不這麼認為。 

No denying I am scared to lose the things I love.無可否認,我害怕失去我喜歡的東西。 
I'm in control.我在控制。 

This is how, this is how it's going to end.這就是,這是它如何去結束。 
This is how, this is how it's going to end.這就是,這是它如何去結束。 

Everyone is waiting here for everyone.每個人都在這裡等待大家。 
Leave me alone.給我一個人。 

This is how, this is how it's going to end.這就是,這是它如何去結束。 
This is how, this is how it's going to end.這就是,這是它如何去結束。 
This is how, this is how it's going to end.這就是,這是它如何去結束。 
This is how, this is how it's going to end.這就是,這是它如何去結束。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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