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Breaking Benjamin - Sooner Or Later
2009/12/03 13:10:37瀏覽613|回應0|推薦1

I want a normal life 我希望過正常的生活 
just like a new born child就像剛出生不久的孩子 
I am a lover hater我是一個情人厭惡者 
I am an instigater我是個守關者
You are an oversight你是一個監督 
Don't try to compromise不要試圖妥協 
I'll learn to love to hate it我會學會愛它恨它 
I am not integrated我不是背叛者

Just call my name只要叫我的名字 
You'll be okay你將會很好 
You're scream is crawling through my veins你尖叫通過我的血管裡爬行 

Sooner or later your gonna hate it遲早你會去恨它 
Go ahead and throw your (my) (our) life away請繼續和丟棄您的(我的)(我們的)賣身契 
Driving me under, leaving me out there我的駕駛下,使我在那裡 
Go ahead and throw your (my) (our) life away請繼續和丟棄您的(我的)(我們的)賣身契 

You're like an inch in time你像每英寸時間 
You are open wide您是敞開心胸 
You see them try to play me你看到他們嘗試播放我 
Just like you see on tv就像你在電視上看到 
I am an oversight我是一個監督 
Just like a parasite就像一個寄生蟲 
Why am I so pathetic為什麼我會這麼可憐 
I know you won't forget it我知道你不會忘記 



Breaking Benjamin - Sooner Or Later lyrics form the http://www.lyrics007.com

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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