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每日一字之 Point 所形成的片語
2007/11/17 12:30:03瀏覽3579|回應1|推薦8


這次的片語是由 Point 所形成的字,大家看下去囉! 這次的片語量真是不少阿~小 J 算一算總共有48個!!

由 Point 所形成的片語:

指出 point out
突顯 point up
立論 made a point
痛處 sore point
瀕臨 at the point of
離題 beside the point
觀點 a point of view
沸點 boiling point
冰點 freezing point
頂點 culminating point
優點 strong point
缺點 weak point
方位 point of the compass ( 羅盤來指點啦,呵! )

引爆點 explosion point
轉悷點 tipping point , turning point ( 傾向於... )

辯才無礙 carry one's point
開門見山 come straight to the point
闡明清楚 drive a point home
強調某事 give points to something
良心問題 a point of conscious
面子問題 a point of honor
程序問題 a point of order
爭論不休 argue the point
全副武裝 armed at all points
面面俱到 at all points

此時此刻 at this point of time
所言極是 have a point
直言不諱 not to put too fire a point on it
扣住主題 keep to the point
不拘小節 no stand on points
魄力通融 stretch a point
沒有意義 there is no point
一針見血 to the point
一語成真 prove one's point
排除萬難 weather a point ( weather 做 V 用,喻渡過難關)

三致其意 press the point ( press 喻強加意見於他人)
引以為戒 point a moral ( 指出一個道德來遵守 )
略勝一籌 a bull point ( bully someone 喻欺負人)
棘手難題 a knotty point ( knotty-節,喻一節一節難解開)
懸而未決 a moot point ( moot 遲遲未定 )
劍拔怒張 a swords' points ( 拿劍互指,喻互相對立 )

沒掌握重點 miss the point
非做某事不可 make a point of something
直接了當地 point blank ( blank-零,喻零距離 )

到了緊要關頭 when it comes to the point
忍無可忍的地步 breaking point
讓某人甘拜下風 give points to someone
過河卒子,有進無退 reach a point of no return

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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I learn a lot.^^
2008/06/27 22:43

Excellent! You are really something! I learn a lot.^^

Excuse me! Can i ask you a question?

Do you know what "at one point" means?

For example,

At one point, a 16-inch meteorite found in the African desert in 1936 sold for $2,000.

Thank you so much!