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探戈伊斯康地諾 - 美國 (2/2)
2011/04/20 10:55:00瀏覽665|回應0|推薦0
探戈伊斯康地諾 - 美國, 1954年

歌名: Hernando's Hideaway
作詞/作曲: Richard Adler 和 Jerry Ross
英文舞名: Tango Escondido
中文舞名: 探戈伊斯康地諾(也有人翻成探戈伊斯康地多,以原文來看,翻成"多"會好一點. 但是早期翻成"諾"已經習慣了,那就"諾"吧.)
編舞: Anita 和 LeRoy Stark
土風舞音樂: 弦歌唱片 C.C.S.-第1011集 (土風舞用的是演奏曲.)


大家都有看到那家夜店的招牌了吧, 在1954年那可是最酷最炫的Cam-Ban呢.

接下來就是歌詞啦, 我看英文歌詞我就不翻譯了,大家應該都看得懂.


I know a dark secluded place.
A place where no one knows your face.
A glass of wine a fast embrace.
It's called Hernando's Hideaway ole!

All you see are silohuettes.
And all you hear are castanetts.
And no one cares how late it gets.
Not at Hernando's Hideaway ole!


At the golden fingerbowl or any place you go.

You'll meet your uncle Max and everyone you know.

But if we go to the spot that I am thinking of

You will be free, to gaze at me, and talk of love.

Just knock three times and whisper low,
that you and I were sent by Joe.
Then Strike a match and you will know
your in Hernando's Hideaway OLE!

I know a dark secluded place.
A place where no one knows your face.
A glass of wine a fast embrace.
It's called Hernando's Hideaway ole!


At the golden fingerbowl or any place you go.

You'll meet your uncle Max and everyone you know.

But if we go to the spot that I am thinking of

You will be free, to gaze at me, and talk of love.

Just knock three times and whisper low, t
hat you and I were sent by Joe.
Then Strike a match and you will know
your in Hernando's Hideaway OLE!
附註: 本文在2011/04/20首度發表於舞之心論壇
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