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字辨 - 市場熱烈, 吵雜的聲音
2022/04/08 04:51:36瀏覽86|回應0|推薦0
這篇我精簡成四個單字, 包括 buzz 熱議, 熱門話題, chatter 熱議, noise 雜音, rave好評. 這裡主要是以名詞的例句為主, 動詞例句不贅述, 省空間.

A. buzz 熱門話題.
vi. vt. (蜜蜂等)嗡嗡叫, (機器等)唧唧響, 匆忙行走, 忙亂 嘁嘁喳喳, (謠言)流傳.
n. 話題, 流言, 謠言
A-1. The hottest buzz these days was the beheading incident committed by ISIS. 這一陣子最熱門的話題就是伊斯蘭國的斬首事件. (奇摩網站上的例子.)
A-2. The technology sector relies on new products to create a buzz and boost company sales and earnings. 科技類股主要是依靠新產品來製造熱門話題, 並且提高公司的營收和獲利.
A-3. The buzz on Wall Street was that of nationalizing our banking system. 華爾街上的熱議是有關於國有化銀行系統.

B. chatter 熱議 (通常是用在比較不好, 負面的事物上.)
vi. vt.喋喋不休, 嘮叨. (鳥)鳴囀, (猴子等)吱吱叫, 聲音含糊地發出.
n. 嘮叨, 饒舌, 熱議, 吱吱聲, 潺潺聲, 格格聲
B-1. The debt ceiling, and chatter about the U.S. credit rating being in possible jeopardy, are among the clouds on the horizon. 負債上限, 以及美國信評有可能處在危險之中的熱議, 是地平線上的一些烏雲.
B-2. There is a lot of talks on Wall Street that the company needs a partner in order to survive in the long run. That kind of chatter has brought in increased shorts positions to the stock. 華爾街上充滿了許多關於這公司需要一個新夥伴的說法, 以便它能夠長期經營下去. 這樣的熱議, 也帶來了對這檔股票上升的空單部位.
B-3. With the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing above 16,000 for the first time ever, it’s hardly surprising that market chatter over whether we are in an asset bubble is intensifying. 由於道瓊工業指數第一次收在16,000點以上, 這也不意外地, 市場關於我們是不是處在一個資產泡沫的熱議正在上升中.

C. noise 雜音 (通常是用在比較不好, 負面的事物上.)
C-1. My company’s analytic system is a neat tool for filtering market noise. 我的公司的分析系統是一個很精緻的工具, 以過濾市場的雜音.
C-2. The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) is meeting again this week, and investors are afraid that rising rates will be a wet blanket for stocks. But historical evidence suggests that its actually totally OK to ignore the Feds interest-rate chatter. Its just noise, not even backed by facts. 美國聯儲公開市場委員會IFOMC)本週又再次開會. 市場擔心上揚的利率對股票而言是一個掃興的事情. 但是歷史的證據顯示了忽略這個聯準會的利率熱題實際上是完全OK的. 這僅僅只是市場雜音, 根本都還沒被事實來支撐. (wet blanket, 濕毛巾, 使別人興致低落的, 掃興的人或物).

D. rave 讚揚, 好評, 吹捧性評論, 狂熱褒評 (通常用在比較正面的事物上.)
vi. vt. 胡言亂語, 狂罵, 激烈地說, 叫嚷(或呼嘯), 狂熱讚揚, 極力誇獎 (+about/of/over)
D-1. The guests raved about dinner. 客人們極力誇贊可口的飯菜.
n (風等)呼嘯, 咆哮, 熱烈讚美
D-2. His new play received raves in the paper. 他的新劇本在報紙上受到讚揚.
** rave 通常是後面再加reviews.
D-3. The movie received rave reviews. 這部電影獲得好評.
D-4. Shares of Dell jumped early Wednesday, as the tech giant’s results and forecast drew rave reviews, even as analysts wondered whether the company can sustain its momentum. 週三早盤Dell的股價走高, 是因為這個電子巨擘的業績和預測都獲得好評, 既便分析師懷疑公司可不可以持續它的動力.
D-5. Intel reported strong fourth-quarter results that won rave reviews from Wall Street, but also triggered worries about a peak in earnings growth. Intel公佈強勁的第四季業績,獲得華爾街的好評, 但是也引起一些有關於公司是不是獲利成長已經達到高峰的憂慮.
D-6. 報紙上常寫說某一季的”業績”, 英文可以直接用這個字 results, 或者 performance, showing來表達. 中文所謂的業績這個字其實很含糊, 是指綜合地包含營收, 獲利, EPS等等.

1. 股票市場上從去年下半年開始, 就有所謂雜音的報導出現, 理由包括了對面板, 筆電等等消費型電子產品的需求減弱, 至於整個大盤, 則又是因為利率升高和通膨的影響, 而對後市有所"雜音". 如果要寫這雜音的英文, 其實就是這麼個簡單的字, - noise. 但是之前反而常常因為過於簡單, 而遲於下筆.
2. 這裡再特別提出, 以後的例句, 除了和特定日期有關時會註明, 其它的是和當今時事無關. :)

我的臉書社團 - 台灣財經股市中英文句型範例
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