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片語 - 2 - in one's back pocket 秘密的計畫, 主意或者優勢點
2022/04/01 09:51:13瀏覽94|回應0|推薦0
3月20號, 從TheStreet摘錄這一篇, 是在說lululemon股價自從去年11月的475美元高點下跌, 經過二個月的在300附近打底, 最近幾天回升到373. 以下分成幾個小段來討論.

1. (標題) - Stock faces a key test after earnings rally. (Lululemon 的)股票面臨一個主要的(上檔壓力)測試, 在經過盈餘推升的上漲之後.
2. Lululemon reported its fourth-quarter results after the close on Tuesday, beating on earnings estimates with in-line revenue results. 週二(3/29)收盤以後, Lululemon公佈第四季結果, 超過(beating)盈餘的預測, 和符和(in-line, adj.)預測的營收.

3. Management also announced a $1 billion buyback plan. That said, the stock hasnt had an easy road to navigate. 管理階層也宣布10億美金的股票買回計畫. 但是即便如此(that said), 這檔股票(過去二個月)並沒有航行在輕鬆的路上.

4. In December, Lululemon reported solid results and the stock rallied. But just a few weeks later the company preannounced a word of caution on the quarter following the impact of the Covid omicron variant. 去年12月公司公佈了紮實的結果, 而股票也上漲, 但是幾週以後, 緊接著Omicron 的變種的影響, 公司預告對於本季的審慎言論(word).

5. That hit the stock, particularly at a time when the entire market was getting rattled. Nike stock was struggling, too, and Lululemon’s comments didn’t help matters. 這打擊了這檔股票, 特別是整個市場是坐立難安(rattled)的時候. Nike也是步履蹣跚, 而 lululemon的評論(當然是)沒有對事情有幫助(help matters).

6. With the fourth quarter out of the way and a solid outlook now in its back pocket, Lululemon is looking for a strong year. Will the stock give long investors what they want?
隨著第四季的過去, 以及一個紮實的前景似乎是它的現在優勢點, lululemon看好今年的營運. 這個股票是不是可以給做多(long)的投資人達成心願呢?

1. in one’s back pocket. 是在描述假設有需要而且當有必需的時候, 一個秘密的方案, 主意或者優勢點, 可以(從背後口袋)拿出來被應用, 其實也就是王牌, 秘方的意思. Available to be utilized if and when it is required, as of a secret plan, idea, or advantage.

1-1. Keep that recording of your boss in your back pocket - youll need it later if he denies what he said. 保留那一份對你老闆的錄音,當作是秘方, 以便日後當他否認他曾經說過的事情的時候, 你會用到它.
1-2. The defense attorney has kept this eye-witness in her back pocket, just waiting for the right time. 被告的律師把目擊證人當作是一個秘密武優勢, 在等待適當的時機.
1-3. 相似的片語 - in one’s pocket被(某人)控制, 服從於(某人).
The head teacher has the school governors completely in her pocket. 校董們完全在校長的控制之下。

2. 這幾天看了一些美國領導股的股價, 上檔是壓力重重. 從lululemon的走勢看得出來370至400元是最近期的壓力. 我個人認為大盤在面臨利率和通膨都會走高之下, 資金行情是不是扛的住再創新高, 就很難說了. 不過作者也並沒有對這檔股票的後市是往上還是往下做出一個論點. 這裡我沒有附上走勢圖, 因為有著作權法考量. :) :)
( 知識學習語言 )
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